All Affiliate Websites NEED to Do This…

Do you want to know how to avoid penalties and instead get tons of traffic to your site? In this video, you’re going to learn the best …


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  1. mmmh, in your niche breakdown you covered over 30 industries but one of THE BIGGEST BLOGGING/WEBSITE NICHE IS MISSING: Travel! How come? 🙂

  2. Hi matt! I hope you'll reply me.
    I own a small affiliate blog and was doing much against the guidelines.

    90% commercial and only 10% informational. (I have under 50 articles)

    I believe that ny 70% traffic drop because of this ratio error.

    I want to ask if i start uploading day Nd night and make it 60/40 ratio.
    How soon i expect to see good things? A week ? A few weeks? Months? A few months 6 months? Year 🙁 ?

  3. As per your vidoes (thank you for all of them), I am researching my top ranking competitor's SERPs in order to write relevant content. Problem is that the top ranking SERPs are just as commercial as they are informational.

    If I am trying to write strictly informational, competitive content; do I need to include the ENTIRE word count of their commercial and their informational or would you just recommend using the word count of ONLY the informational?

    I dont want to write a 2,000 word article and overkill the 400 word count informational they had.

  4. Matt,
    1) do you have any intel on whether this applies to leads collected on the site itself. Do you reckon it's CTA's or rather being redirected to a 3rd party domain? 2) Loving the Affiliate Lab, need to dig back in. Would you be able to tell us when automatic topical mapping will be introduced? Cupid is great and also using a script by Lee Foot, but looking forward to it nonetheless.

    Happy easter!

  5. When you say your site recovered do you mean the previous affected articles rankings went back up? Or the increase in traffic is just because of all the new info articles suddenly ranking and bringing in additional traffic?

  6. Great stuff.

    Any insight on whether articles titled "Best XYZ" could be considered commercial by Google even if it was non-commerical in terms of having no affiliate links and not being part of a funnel? ie "Best actors of the 80s"…

  7. Any idea why a tech site would see a drop in Feb? Survived everything else and had a phenomenal January but around Feb 20th things started to tank.

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