DOJ Will Investigate Document Dump, Absurd Republican Performances 4/8/22

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  1. I like most of your takes on things and I like listening to your show in general. But it's so annoying, if you're being rude to callers, and even quitting the call with them, which have really minor problems with their discord. If this happens, I think you are a total asshole and I ask myself, if I am listening to the right guy here or some stupid right wing nutjob who has no manners at all. So just a little suggestion: stop taking calls at all. You are just not the man for it. Suggestion to me is: just skip the caller section. Even if there are beautiful phone calls as you say yourself. But you are really messing that section up.

  2. also, david, one big problem ive had personally is, the veggies and meat etc, are more expensive , of course. been like that all my life , and im 60. a lot of people have no choice but to buy the cheaper, less healthy processed food.

  3. But David Oz is about the lie. By the way, did he have botox on his eyes? Like they did to President Obama, I want to see Oz's medical degree. What a joke he is.

  4. The words Improper removal of presidential records should've been the criminal removal. I don't know why people are so afraid of Donald Trump. This man will turn out to be a mouse and not a vicious lion. People need to just call him out. It's so disgusting to see him get away with all he is getting away with especially when we have people imprisoned for Things not even near the major crimes that Trump has committed. I thought we lived in America were no man is above the law but I am being proven that I may be wrong

  5. The old man and hunter will finally be indiatied for money laundering , with Ukraine and Chinese oligarchs…….couldn't come sooner enough !!!……🤪🤪🤣🤣😂😂

  6. Do you think when the one caller said “that was a good take Patrick” he meant that was a good take David? Or do you think he was complimenting someone else named Patrick and David just jumped in and stole the compliment by saying thank you? Lol either way good take Patrick!

  7. David has patience I don't. People calling and writing him have woeful listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. He constantly has to correct them about complaining about things he didn't say and misunderstanding what he said!

  8. Not only do I not believe Mehmet Oz does his own shopping I very much doubt he eats vegetables. RE; Brandon's email, there was a campaign in the UK some years ago to make it a crime for Members of Parliament to lie ( ''Misrepresentation of the People Bill'' ). In 2007 a proposed bill was introduced in the Commons ( as a private bill, not govt. policy ) and out of 646 MPs only 37 voted for it. There is a wikipedia page entitled ''Elected Representatives ( Prohibition of Deception ) Bill 2006-07'' on this.

  9. I would have loved to have heard the real answer to the parakeet "radical" question as it a word that David uses regularly as well. I'm a regular watcher and honestly that and the incorrect name pronunciation of certain people gets my hackles up every time as it's hypocritical to play the same word games you accuse the other side of. Now actually wondering if it's just a brain tick when he over pronounces for audio viewers as he's spoken with Vaush many times and went over the correct pronunciation of his name (and this wasn't it – see David's video from Nov 14 2020). I know the headphones amplify things but come on, it was a bird chirping and an interesting question

  10. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to prepare things from scratch…when ever you buy prepared items your paying for the convenience of it already made! I’m a pensioner and in Australia it’s not a huge amount of money..but it’s defiantly enough to live on…but we have lots of information about food and food choices…children in Australia are taught in schools about healthy foods and food choices…it starts in school…education is always a good idea!

  11. When I shop for groceries I always use a basket or cart. I don't clutch unwrapped vegetables to my chest because I don't want to stain my shirt. But then, I've actually shopped for groceries more than once.

  12. This feels like we went back to the "Thanks Obama" years. Everything under the sun is Biden's fault (or "radical Democrats"). Republicans really have nothing to offer.

  13. The doctor didn't pick up processed foods. He didn't evangelise the veg but he did select the healthy things. It wasn't a food video. I'm not with David on this.


  15. The caller trying to make a middle ground had her heart in the right place and if the talk about abortion was genuine and not the realm of satiating bigoted, short sighted religious zealots, it might have merit. But Dave gave a good bit of insight into where that line of thinking would go by saying that the Dems would need to propose a new bill which would do three negative things. It would show weakness to the pro-choice voters and disillusion them to the Dems by trying to yet again capitulate to Republicans. It allows Republicans to then, if Dems take their bait, to waste time on a bill doomed to fail. And three, it allows while that bill is being discussed for the terrible bill Republicans want to have instituted, to pass.

    That is why I think the best tactics to use against the GOP is to turn up the pressure and go full on aggression. Pretending as if a lot of these arguments are done in good faith is going nowhere.

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