SA's humanitarian resolution rejected at the UN General Assembly

South Africa’s draft resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine has been rejected by the UN General Assembly after …


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  1. The US has been funding Ukrainian Neo-Nazis for damnear a decade now.

    How is it that very, very few people have heard of their attempts to ethnically cleanse Russian-speaking Ukrainians in years passed?

    Why are people pretending as if the measures taken by Russia was "unprovoked"?

    Do people even know that Ukrainian Neo-Nazis have established military schools for kids, through the generous funding provided to them by the US?

    Is Russia on the borders of America?
    Is there any Russian military base at the borders of the US?

    What is the US and NATO even doing on the doorstep of Russia? Is the doorstep not enough? What more does the US and NATO want, a room in the house?

    The US & NATO needs to stop bullying others.

    It's time we put on our big boy and big girl thinking caps. We're too old to be fooled by the same ol' BS over and over and over again. Let's call to mind what Malcolm said about the media.
    Lest we forget…………………………

    #EndTheOccupation 🇮🇱 #EndApartheid 🇮🇱 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸

  2. Serves SA right. The Ramaphosa led government fails to deal with the mess it has amcreated in SA, and expects to command respect like Mandela! Get your house in order first! In fact the ANC needs to go and go to prison where many of them belong. Glad they got egg on the faces

  3. If you want somebody to adhere to your thinking or says first hear him out and side with him, SA did not vote with the majority when the war started in Ukraine. Totally naïve to come up with a draft. so what do you expect.

  4. Does anybody rememders the Minsk agreement that was NOT implemented by Ukraine. Does anybody remember how the people in Donbas was bombed everyday 4 eight years? Can anybody remember how Putin beged the West 2 interfere and 2 tell Zelensky 2 stop all the bombing and to implememt the Minsk agreement. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  5. It's because S.A. is still a colonised country of Europe they want to isolate themselves from their African countries. Now is the time to unit as Mkwame Nkruma said in Addis Abba Ethiopia in 1963…one Africa one currency one army one voice..untill these happened we will continue to be a bigger. It's a shame

  6. Let see if same happens in SA one day! How south africans will handle it and if ask for help.. who will help? Russia is not a friend! To supply africa with AK47 its not a friend! To criminals yes… but not for the rest. Shame on you South Africa!

  7. I understand he is angry, but at the end of the day where are HIS resolutions? If Ukraine is suffering so much then they should find a solution and end the conflict with Russia. But they don't want to, because if they do they will loose the respect of the west. How does your pride affect your people? Putin is a monster but we ALL know that, but shouting that out is doing NOTHING. Diplomacy is the only way to stop this thing peacefully. Ukraine wants a fight to their death and get angry when others don't stand behind them.

  8. As a South African we don't support this ANC Government. We have every day Farm murders and this ANC do nothing. White's in this country is coming under attract every day. They are corrupted and stealing our tax payers money. We condemned this war from the beginning and the ANC can't talk for us because we are fed-up with this ANC Government. We as South Africans stand with Ukraine and pray for them. We are ashamed of this spinless black Government. The black people of this country have no sense or brains to see what this ANC Government is doing. We as white and other colors that don't agree and want to stand up but with the EFF communists and ANC communists we are far less and the black people keep on voting for this curated Government. We also have our war here. Ramaposha is spinless and need to go as well the whole ANC cancer of this country. We don't support the ANC and we are standing for Ukraine. They wound call it for it is because our farmers is been murdered every day.

  9. If these man they real about the pain of seeing Ukrainian dies why are they not voting for peace instead of supporting either side to fight back. This should never happened to begin with. This war must end innocent lives are perishing while the bitter evil suit man are waisting time and funding this war. Shame on you all. Ukrainian and Russian citizens must get involved and sit down politician's have failed them.

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