Is Vaping Better Than Smoking Cigarettes?

Taken from JRE #1754 w/Suzanne Santo:


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  1. I switched to vaping for financial reasons. My cigs were almost $8 a day – almost $240 a month. Now I pay $3.99 for a coil & $14.99 for some ejuice once a month. That's saving me around $220 a month!! 🙂🙂

  2. I had pneumonia, chronic chest infections, constantly coughing up phlegm. But now I’ve been vaping for 5 years and I’ve never felt better. I could stop vaping, but I enjoy it so I still do it. It may not be 100% safe, but it is by far the safest option to quit smoking.

  3. We won't know long term effects of vaping for another decade at least. Doubt it can be worse than smoking, but I also think you would have to be naive to think it's completely harmless

  4. If you get and have quality flavors you gonna be ok. Im not saying everyone is the same, but I make eliquid with quality stuff, and I've not had any issues with what I give to friends and family. 9g and also please look into it. Just look it up. Its rather safe.

  5. Smoking anything is not good for your lungs 🙄

    Would be like asking ‘do you want this foot up your ass or would you prefer this fist?’ – I’d prefer neither, but each to their own.

  6. It's not just that. The reason why the kids died was because it was, like you said, THC oil vapes. Worse, cheap chinese THC oil products. And the entire concept of vaping got blamed.

    Here's the thing though. Regulars E-juice, meaning the liquids with nicotine, includes propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, both of which are water sollulable. Oils are not so the lungs can't process it, which is why their lungs got fucked up. Don't ever vape oils, unless you really wanna fuck yourself up and not in a good way.

  7. My wife works at USF pediatrics where they deal with infants all the way up to young adults and adolescents. The amount of teenagers and young adults that vape who come to her office with lung illnesses is insane . Most of them have holes in their lungs from vaping . It’s crazy .

  8. Smoked for 15 years, quit with a vape. Started at level 12, in a month I was at a 3. then 1 1/2 a month later and quit after 10 months. Funny story about me quitting the vape. I spent 150 on a new tank new juice then spent 3 days backpacking in the Grand Canyon. Slipped and smashed my tank in my pocket at the bottom of hermits rest 😂. Just filled the tank and got juice (Grand Canyon end of august it was lava) dripping down my leg. Had to wait to see if I was leaking blood. Would have been bad. That was the last time I vaped. Glad it broke and glad I quit smoking too. The vape helped 💯

  9. From what Ive been told that the long term effects to you’re lungs (sacks) can be healed overtime. But the long term effects from vaping will have permanent damage to you’re lungs (sacks) over time

    I’ve smoked and Ive vaped. If there’s one thing I regret in life it was picking up smoking. Been clean for almost a month now.

  10. Personality is a huge factor. I was a pack a day smoker for about 5 years and one day got sick of spending so much money and quit overnight. It was really that simple for me, and from what I've heard, my Mum did a similar thing at my age.

  11. You’ll only quit, when you want to quit!
    It’s a self improvement thing.
    Ex-smoker – I used Nicerette gum over the course of a couple of months.

  12. It is much much better to vape than to smoke cigarettes, I smoked a pack a day for 20 years + , and after switching over to vaping I feel much better . I can breathe much better . But of course the liquid is going to be clean and lab controlled. Like if someone puts arsenic in somebody’s yoghurt, is youghurt now dangerous ? No , it’s a very stupid argument.

  13. If you smoke weed why would you vape or smoke cigarettes lol, just foolish. I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol or sugar and I eat between 11am and 6pm. I obey God in absolutely all ways written that is possible and God takes care of life for me. I went from a horrible sinner and now everything is all good. The biggest part was ridding myself of the idol name jesus and its image on the cross that came after the Gospel that God's teacher left.

  14. Joe.. it's not a 'threat to profits' if people don't buy it. But if you make a product that addictive people will buy it. I love ya Joe but sometimes you talk shit man.

  15. My husband smoked for 15 years. We met and I told him I am highly allergic, and I can’t date a smoker. He quit immediately cold Turkey and never looked back. Cigarettes free 15 years. You can do anything you put your mind down to.

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