Live Q&A with Dr. Greger – September 2021

This is a replay of Dr. Greger’s live Q&A on September 23, 2021. 0:00 Introduction 1:24 Whats the problem with white potatoes for …


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  1. 0:00 Introduction
    1:24 Whats the problem with white potatoes for non diabetics?
    4:12 Given the CoQ10 benefit of eating dark green leafs, do you think there’s also a benefit for topical chlorophyll-rich oils (hemp/avocado/pumpkin-seed oils) as body moisturizer?
    5:40 Is it bad to eat the same foods everyday as long as Im getting all my nutrients?
    6:32 Do you suggest people taking the vaccine or no?
    8:13 Are there health benefits of acupuncture if you are not experiencing any pain?
    8:50 Would sulforaphane be generated if cruciferous vegetables cut in liquid via blender in smoothie?
    9:20 Are real tattoos safe?
    10:15 Can a plant based diet help reverse diabetes in a thin individual?
    10:55 Does reheating food that have been chilled destroy (or reduce) the resistant starch?
    12:15 Do seaweed from pools, not the ocean, contain iodine?
    13:10 Is there any way I can help
    14:00 Do the binding properties of fiber inhibit nutrient absorption?
    15:05 What diet can you recommend for tummy trimmer?
    15:58 What was your reaction to GojiMan’s response video to your SIBO video?
    16:40 How do you lose inches in the belly area?
    17:45 What do you recommend for high cortisol?
    18:18 What is your opinion on yoga and REIKI?
    19:45 Can a person be allergic to only a certain variety of sweet potatoes?
    20:48 What should I do to reduce my calories for a year until I lose all my extra weight?
    21:26 Can a person be allergic to sesame seeds but not react to a recipe with sesame oil in it?
    21:50 Thoughts on ingesting Hyaluronic Acid? And collagen supplements?
    22:55 Can iodine in the salt degrade/disappear?

    Thank you to our volunteer, Mya, for compiling this list!

  2. After you have been fighting Big Pharma for years and manipulated research from conflict of interest groups, so disappointing to see how you are also following the fake narrative about the virus and the vaccines

  3. My brother, who is very fond of you and your work (uses your how not to dye book like a bible) got vaccinated for covid because he said you support the vaccine and got vaccinated yourself.
    is this correct Dr. Greger? He is not doing very well after taking it and in my opinion, you are very wrong to support what's going on. Frankly, I go somewhere else to get informed.

  4. I brought "how not to die" and "how not to diet". Also I tell people about you and your website, where ever I go.

    PS- could you or anyone please help me with a concern I have, I don't know whether to go with natural or vaccine immunity, also has anyone seen the following survival rates of the C, from the CDC ? "From 0-19 years old is 99.997%, 20-49 is 99.98%, 50-69 is 99.5%, 70+ is 94.6%." I'll be researching to see how credible this information is. Please no trolling, and I'll be humbled for anyone's help, thanks in advance.

  5. Why is every comment going against Covid 19 vaccines removed?? Even you Chef AJ cannot or choose not to take the vaccine WHY??? There are been many adverse events & even death related to these vaccines which all the WFPB docs seem to be ignoring . I personally know of many & even one death of a 35b yr old with no underlying health conditions!!! Shame on you all for not addressing this issue. Especially cannot believe Dr.Greger has not researched this further there is lots to be researched RE: VAERS & what is going on in Isreal etc. Would be nice to see Dr. Gregers thoughts on this.

  6. Thank you for all you do! I’ve been recently educated about the arsenic in rice. Which has more chicken or arsenic? Can I just add turmeric to the rice to cut down on the effects of it? If so, how much?

  7. If the only greens you ate were iceberg, no dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, or fish, and only Boston baked Beans, what specific nutrient do you believe would you be lacking? Researching this is overwhelming, so I thought I would ask this community for help for my graphic memoir. This was my late mother who never ate those foods for various reasons. Can anyone help me a bit?

  8. Hi Dr. Greger! So glad you are moving the the East Coast :). I checked your website and saw no studies on the effect to flaxseed on testosterone levels. I put flaxseed in my smoothies for my husband and I. Should I hold off on the flaxseed? I would love to know your thoughts on this. Thank you so much for all you do.

  9. Thank you dr. Greger! Q: can you talk about mold? Removing a small bit from things like bread or coconut yogurt, etc. is it okay to consume the food if you catch it early and remove?

  10. Seeing that the good doc… didn't understand what you were asking I will tell you that seaweed and algi that forms in ocean pools or puddles does contain iodine . I have been cultivating and eating it for years . I live at the shoreline ….. Good luck .

  11. Dr. Greger why do you work so hard to follow the science of nutritional matters but fall flat when it comes to the full body of science that shows major problems with the efficacy of this "vaccine"? If you can be so lost on the vaccine research…It makes your comments about nutrition seem suspect.

  12. Doctor Greger, please do a deep dive and video about collagen supplements. I hear everywhere that is great for the skin and rejuvenation, but I hesitate to undo all the benefits of a plant-based diet by taking supplements made from animals. thank you.

  13. People are still getting covid19, even with vaccination. They are also able to shed the virus when they have the infection.

    Not hearing enough about natural immunity. I’m talking about T cells and B cells. More and more studies coming out on the effectiveness of natural immunity.

    It’s sad that the vaccine is being pushed onto people who had covid19 like myself. I plant to get the T Detect blood test done.

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