Stocking Pond with Tiger Musky & CBD oil for Musky Casting Longevity

In this podcast I talk about what it would be like stocking a pond with tiger musky, what forage would you use, what weeds, what structure? Then also talk about …


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  1. As far as a casting reel. If you can afford it. Go with a Shimano tranx. Bottom line of the best out there. Don't just ask me. I actually use a Shimano 5000 sustain spinning rod and real setup for lighter baits. I use a Shimano tranx 300hg for some bigger bigger baits. But it really doesn't matter.
    Think like a musky, ("I don't give a shit, there's food in front of me!)

  2. As far as stocking a lake with tigers? I hmm lots of milfoil, cabbage and wood structures. Give them some deep holes so they can cool down in the hot summer months. I mean hell I've seen musky in tiny rivers that for musky just about anything works for cover. One of the reasons I've seen them sit under my boat after a follow.
    We all know as the apex predatory fish they will seize any opportunities they can.

  3. Fun fact. They only stocked I think around 30 adult musky in orchard lake, MI, I think about 50/50 gender differences. They were in breeding/lengths/ages but I think they're just trying to use it for a broodstock lake. I thought about trying to fish there. But honestly not worth the time. Considering the low density and lake body size.

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