323rd District Court Detention Hearings
This livestream is made available to provide access to court proceedings for the alleged victims of criminal acts that are within this court’s jurisdiction, …
Live with some special guest that you can find cooking alongside myself at the Cannabis Chef cooking competition in October. Powered by Restream … source
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This news is NOT investment advice. It’s for educational purposes only.* Mid Week Update: https://youtu.be/_-815JpAW-Q Curaleaf, Verano, Harvest Earnings: … source
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Judge all week you keep saying the month is August, it's October
All rise for the man wearing a pink dress.
Hopefully next time the people that are working the pods will be ready: it kind of ruins the experience when he tells them to bring everybody in and they’ll do it “in person”. I thought the reason that they were doing it via zoom was so that they would not have to do it in person, but apparently these people are making the judge angry, so he makes everyone come into the courtroom.
The opening of proceedings (inadvertently triggered by COVID) is without question a great leap forward for justice. Judge K not only informs but setsa redlines publically, that the youth, often unaware of, must not cross, otherwise its "KIMBO", and prepacked pasta for a long time…That as a preventative measure is invaluable in reducing crime. Id lay odds in Tarrant Co cases will trend down hereafter. Get on board Judge KIM, 100%, u seem about 80%..
Kathy Lowthorp seems like the most difficult human to work with.
Judge Kim deals with idiots all day. He stays mad.
Aw, that’s so sweet! The pink robe is for breast cancer awareness!💜💜💜
Judge Kim is pissed.
H-Pod ruined my lunch break. 🙁
lisa help these kids mental health
mental health but judge rather make em play circus ….