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  1. I pay $465 for a cut colour and toner which I do twice a year (balayage) and then every 8 weeks I go in for a trim and a toner and that’s $190 😳 I felt guilty especially when I was a SAHM on maternity leave but it’s my 1 thing I do for me and I absolutely love my hairdresser so won’t be changing even tho it’s gotten more expensive as she has moved up the experience rank at the salon (she’s now top level thank god)

  2. Hey which coffee machine did you guys end up going with and do you love it, you inspired my husband to consider buying one for mothers day so we have been doing some research

  3. The kids are so funny! Reegan’s little personality is coming out so much – she’s hilarious.
    I know what you mean about hair prices. I used to be a hairdresser and I know great hairdressers are worth it. But some are really expensive. I only get colour done 2-3 times a year now due to cost.
    Thanks for the mascara recommendation last week on IG. It’s amazing!

  4. $759 😲😲😲 I feel like they charged you wrong! $539 for a colour I have never heard of that! When I've gone blonde I've paid $250-$300 for full head of foils! I watching this in shock haha

  5. Omg I dropped my phone when you said how much that cost…. That can’t be right?! Goly gosh 😬. I had a cut and colour and thought $220 was ridiculous!!

  6. Hi Keiara! Thank you for sharing this video, I just love watching your children they are always so happy and all 3 so beautiful. Kirk is a great dad and you are just a beautiful lady and fantastic Mum. Thank you for sharing a part of your lives with us🇦🇺❤️💕

  7. Your kiddos r very intelligent. And never feel guilty for taking 1 child at time for some time together. That is very important. Great family ❤❤❤❤

  8. Oh my gosh that price is ridiculous. I know there’s a lot involved but hairdressers all seem very expensive these days. My daughter dropped $400 odd on hers a while back and I nearly died. Lol. Lucky she has that part time job of hers because no way. 😀😀

  9. omg, there is nothing on the planet that could justify even $200 for me to get my hair done LOLOL Its hair. DIY all the way in this house. Having said that tho, i t hink it was around that for my wedding day hair, but still, thats 1 day in your entire life… I DIEEED when you said how much it cost. Hoooly shiiit, i'd be looking for a new hairdresser if i were you. Thats highway robbery.

  10. My hair cost me $390 😩😩😩 for a full head of foils, a cut and new shampoo and conditioner I felt soooo much mum guilt as a SAHM but like you, all I pamper myself with is my hair and my eyebrow waxing and that’s it in terms of beauty!

  11. I can’t believe the cost in the salon for color and extensions. I couldn’t afford either one. I don’t do extensions. I get my hair highlighted about 4 times a year. I pay $70 for cut and color. My hairdresser does it out of her home and have been going to her for 35 years. Im way over due for a cut and color because of the pandemic and both of us have auto immune diseases so have had to extra cautious during this time. I’m hoping to get my hair done within a couple weeks.

  12. Why do we have a vlog on a Monday? I love how much lincy loves Regan it's so cute. That toad was massive, I would be running away too.

  13. Omgoodness your kids are so funny 😆, Linc with Miguel & so beautiful 😍 when Kurty comes out with getting Reegy out of bed, saying How cute her smile is 🥰🥰 and just Randomly says I Love You Regan, melted my heart 💜 so much!!!!! Mila is such a character with her little dance moves and the things she says 🥰💜… And exactly what Kurty said in the car how all of a sudden Reegy just understands what your saying, like she’s so grown up all of a sudden, she’s so beautiful 😍…… Kurty was so spot on when u guys got ur coffees and said “if you could only drink one drink it would be coffee for sure”, Touché Kurty, I’m so the same as you guys, the first thing I do in the morning is put the kettle on or the coffee ☕️ Machine (depends on what mood I’m in), But I can’t function without my morning coffee ☕️…… I actually just Bought a pack of two Travel Coffee Mugs at Target the other day (they were on special for $7) and they are so esthetic rose gold with a clear lid that locks properly, so some mornings if I’m going somewhere straight after dropping the kids off to school and I’ve not had time to drink my coffee, I’ll just pop it in my travel Mug to go…. I’ll send u a pic hun, they r super cute!!!!! Oh yes I agree babe, I love your hair natural without your extensions in. But I also appreciate the whole “We r mums and that’s something you like to do for you “, We need to spoil ourselves more often I think 💖💖🥰😘….. OMFG my jaw hit the floor with how much they charged you for extensions and your Color, that’s insane. So say your extensions were roughly $250 and est toner was $50 (which is bloody expensive) then to get your colour and a cut and blow wave cost about $450 bucks, that’s ridiculous 😱😱, how can they justify that!!!! I’m am gobsmacked 😶…..
    Sending you guys Lots of Love as always ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  14. Kurt is such a great dad ♥️ it’s so lovely seeing more of him in the videos ♥️. Just love your videos and definitely my favourite family ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ love you all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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