Hallie Jackson NOW – May 3 | NBC News NOW

A leaked draft opinion signals a majority of Supreme Court justices are planning to overturn Roe v. Wade. WNBA star Brittney …


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  1. If buttigeig in the department of transportation has delayed or rerouted supplies or military logistics that lumbee have military army corps of army civilian contractors need can’t be denied without an act of Congress if irrigation to farmland is involved. Also, with Alabama bringing up the civil war forgot that it was a politician Jefferson Davis that moved the capital of the south from Montgomery to Richmond above the mason dixon line closer to the union army. Duh! Leave it to a politician to lose the entire civil war for the south. Lol….

  2. That’s the face of diversity independence versatility and faces of the future of the younger generation and what they can peacefully face as the independent voting block grows and should. If they overturn it, look for ways still to make women safer during childbirth. There is one component that makes it through to even make a baby out of billions of competitors before the womb. Every chemical pathway has to be perfect in the females body to even get a baby born. The female system is naturally hostile to competing swimmers. The ones that don’t make it ar absorbed be females body and are used for other things the future baby would need put of the womens body. All babies are a one in a billion shot at even being born.

  3. Now places I’ve worked have blamed me for production disputes even though since 1975 there have been conversations with production unions since then. Also look at the diversity of the Supreme Court. Kagan sotomsyor roberts jackson Thomas Horus heresy kavsnaugh Alito Barrett. The first four seem to be liberal judges except roberts he leans one way or other for balance tho as conservative alito consrvative etc….

  4. You can tell myoginistic men who have power and control issues when they are closely supervised by their supervisors and thorny slam things and throw things they have a problem.

  5. And the fact is the child support I sent after six weeks still hasn’t posted to my ex wife’s card in Mississippi and I sent it Montgomery like my ex wife’s child support order said Jackson county Al said. Montgomery and Birmingham ate trying to steal money that’s not theirs and have an accounting problem in Alabama.

  6. There is a person named bob eslick at the vbc in Huntsville who has threatened female reporters meteorologists and tried to restrict peoples employment by illegal abuse of power at a convention center and randstsd Huntsville employees get on forklifts and window cleaning lifts when the training video on the forklift training video says they are not allowed on forklifts. Then apparently the former employees of the von Braun center have threatened international women children and Jackson county Al and dekalb county Al have too but they are hostile right now.

  7. Also steelworkers picketing around the country in Virginia Beach too where the navy base is are getting their collective bargaining leverage affected by people who don’t understand that if treaties with Japan have been broken Japan could build a the equivalent of sn imperial navy again but since it’s not ww2 they would be on the us side. Yikes for others.

  8. Alabamas behavior endangers army civilian contractors and marine civilian contractors logistics and identity thieves or people with political motives begin targeting their lonely wives.

  9. Maybe an eye towards Alabama. Alabama started bringing up the civil war and might have called in a bomb threat to Kentucky over unc players there. Also, someone in Jackson county Al or dealbreaker county Al keeps compromising my identity and refusing to do anything about someone who keeps compromising my identity. Seemingly trying to disrupt peaceful protests and targeting peaceful people. Sad there were peaceful protests on Ukraine and Russia roe vs wade but what is different now? Why should it take four months for one child support payment from Alabama to my ex wife’s card. Alabama might be having accounting problems losing to the native Americans and the indigenous tribes of the creek nation choctaw nation Cherokee nation Chickasaw nation industries Catawba nation Tuscarora nation lumbee tribal enterprises nc llc where army contractors have contracts with lumbee and contracts with marines. Nc was making progress bi partisan agreements for 2 kings casino to be built. It was. But a sewage spill in nc moved tva right into the area over two kings near charlotte. Tva has own police and investigators.

  10. Is Thomas being offered if he's actually writing here? He never does anything at the SCOTUS, and it's been 30 years now! 🤔


  12. The Republikkkan totalitarian dictatorship's on display here! This IS where the country's heading, with these despicable, dishonest liars at the helm!🤬🤬 These corrupt hypocrites don't deserve to hold any public office!😡😡 The antiquated electoral college, and gerrymandering among others must be abolished! Let's get together to save our democracy and freedoms! VOTE AGAINST ANY REPUBLIKKKAN CANDIDATE!🙏🙏🙏

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