Why Is There Still Cannabis Discrimination In 2022?!?!

Wake & Bake America 1342 – The Dude & Scotty Are Hanging Out In The Bakery & Waking And Talking About How Bad It Really …


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  1. Monetisation of something which was essentially a non-issue before the victorian era. Started by moral-justified leading "elites", religious men in churches who's support was seeked by women joining the "temperance movement" (a war-of-the-sexes) because alcohol had started to cause an upsurge of financial conflicts in families, then a chain of events got set in motion which resulted in a failed alcohol prohibition. Followed by the international ban of "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." in February 19th, 1925.

  2. I feel like any one who argues that ANY substance should have more strict punishments or this or that drug needs to be more regulated, blah, blah blah, their or anyone's argument is frivolous/ pointless as long as there are liquor stores on every corner where there is no limit on what type or how much alcohol you can buy. it kills me when people don't think alcohol is a drug but will quickly say how high potency cannabis is a problem and a gateway drug that needs to be stopped. My point is alcohol is much more a drug than cannabis, and of course not everyone needs cannabis and not everyone needs 99% THC but it's nice option to have, and there's honestly no side effect at all except you're tolerance goes up.

  3. Have you guys ever thought about running the podcast on a bitcoin standard? Hearing how you had funds frozen in PayPal and the recent truckers accounts being frozen due to protesting is completely wrong. Bitcoin provides permissionless payments between parties with no third party interaction. No one can freeze or censor bitcoin payments and is the best and hardest money ever created

  4. Thats that main problem with ppl today. They get wound up online in an environment where its applauded and then take that into the real world. Noone cares …lol

  5. One rule dude that you must enjoy in Canada is that not everyone walks around with a gun😎 also in Canada the legal age changes from province to province with alcohol and cannabis. ie Quebec and Alberta are 18 for both but the other provinces are 19. I agree there’s room for improvement in the laws for sure!

  6. Love the show love you guys and the crew , but I’m a father and grandpa living on limited income so unfortunately 100 dollars to hang with cool people just too much, I can barely afford to eat out a few times a year , cheers have a great time , maybe we can have a get together that’s maybe 20 bucks . Peace ✌🏼❤️

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