Billy sits down with Robb for an EPIC 2 hour chat about Biohazard touring with Slayer, getting kicked off the Slayer tour for a poop …


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  1. Hey Robb try Ground Coriander seeds 3-5 grams daily, also Nature's Answer Passionflower tincture and Now Foods Melatonin. Will def help your Insomnia brother, also try to stay away from any LCD screens close to your bedtime, they emit blue light which fucks around with your circadian rhythm. Anyways thanks again for the NFR interviews and for writing one of the greatest Metal albums of all time Burn My Eyes which means a lot to me, metal till the end m/

  2. I like the deep conversations and the struggles with drugs and metal issues with rock stars. But goddamn, I like hearing funny stories y'all did when fucked up. 🤣

    The shitting the cup is too much 🤣

  3. Everyone shits on metal in the 90s but I remember it as one of the most amazing, and creative times in heavy music. The 80s was so meat and potatoes compared to the diversity of the 90s. My bands were Biohazard, Machinehead, Cathedral, Fear Factory, Sepultura, Slayer, Motorhead, Obituary, Sick of It All, Rollins Band, Danzig, Carcass, Entombed, White Zombie, and Pro-Pain. I never had a hard time finding heavy music to love.

  4. I think Robb trained in Japanese Jiu Jitsu . I witnessed him choke a security guard who punched a kid with a standing rear naked in 1995, with the explorer still strapped to him!

  5. Billy Bio… man! Love that guy! Saw Biohazard on their 1997 tour in Serbia. One of the first shows post civil war after Emtombed and Pro-Pain. Then here come fucking Bio in a basketball arena over 5 thousand people and it was sick! I was 13 at the time. Huge Bio fan. I moved to the states in 01 and my first ever show was Bio at Ftetchers club in Baltimore Maryland where I reside now. I was in the front row rocking like a little kid and billy pulled me onto the stage to start doing Hold my own! First one on stage with them! Sick man!

  6. This was an awesome episode, loved BIOHAZARD since hearing Tales From The Hardside on Headbangers Ball when it came out & Love MH's first 2 albums especially! Great hearing some of those stories! 👌👊🤘Steve

  7. Wow this gives a whole new perspective to one of my favorite bands of all time. awesome clarification about the white tiger thing from Billy. Hambel was struggling and overcame… DFL ☣️

  8. Awesome interview as per usual Robb. Been watching your show throughout the whole pandemic. I love the Fit for an autopsy T-shirt. Killer band, love the new album by them.

  9. Damn, my poor english! I wrote in the chat that women in Poland are also fucked up🤦🏻‍♀️ It turned out that I am against abortion! Hell no!!!! It’s difficult for us in Poland because of the ban on abortion😩 Let women decide for themselves!💪

  10. The best 2 hour interview I have ever listened to. What a top man Billy is. You’re quite right Robb, Biohazard don’t get the recognition they deserve and Danny is an absolute beast on the drums.

  11. Billy was the aggression in that band. So awesome. ‘Means To an End’ was there most underrated album.
    ‘The Fire 🔥 Still Burn Inside’!
    Killer, killer album.
    Thank you 🙏

  12. Hey there Robbio! Can I suggest some possible guests for your podcast that I think would do really well and help you blow up even more? How about the RZA from the Wu Tang Clan (or Method Man, GZA, anyone from the WTC), Scott Kelly or anyone from Neurosis, Chino Moreno (wasn't he supposed to be on a few years ago? What happened? Haha), Ernie Bailey (a guitar tech of Kurt Cobain way back in the early 90's. He has a lot of very cool tour stories of not only Nirvana but the tour in South America with the RHCP, Alice in Chains, etc), E 40 (of course you know the Bay Area rapper!), Etc. I'll try and think of some more. Thanks for the quality entertainment Robb and the Electric Rappy Hour really was fun! Take it EZ bro.

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