Blading Cup 2022, Quad Skating Drama, Wizard Frames, New Them 909 Skates, Rollerblading News

Fresh rollerblading news. It was and eventful week and weekend with the blading cup 2022 spring cup taking place. Lots of great …


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  1. This isn't Hamilton in f1 having to play political correctness when he got robbed. Which is bull shit as well.
    We are a whole different type of community and would never want politics involved.
    I 100% support him throwing away the medal and making it burn for the decision makers. I think we should all shun them out for the disrespectful to the principle on a competition.
    This is competition.
    This is not equality if outcome
    It is beyond disrespectful for any competing body to be okay with this.
    It goes against the basic principle of a competition event.

  2. I didn't even know quad skating had come to these levels, until I saw a post by Montre — that post subsequently led me to other advanced quad skaters. Where I'm from, Quad skaters typically do JB/Snapping and is typically performed at a rink. So I believe Tre, and other high level performers, could only do the sport a service.

  3. The whole Montre thing is wild. Even if he wasn't sponsored by a quad company, even if it was the first time he ever put on quads, he skated in quads. It's not like he entered the quad contest on inline skates.

  4. You can’t water down competition by taking people out that are “too good” otherwise it’s not really a competition. It’s up to everyone else to practice and level up their skills to compete at the higher level. Otherwise call it an exhibition and let that be that. It really undermines the whole community.

  5. Goes to show that rollerskating still has a low skill level if people are saying montre shouldn't have been in that comp in the first place, dude got robbed because of that fact

  6. Yeh, the Rollerskating situation makes me sad, we should be celebrating the joint event.

    Here's my logic:

    [THEY/WE/YOU/I ]knows Montre is goat.

    The solution:

    – Event organisers notice an entry from someone that is VERY VERY good.
    – Have the conversation with Montre | He would have listened.
    – Offer a spot on the judge panel and help grow our community via Montre's positivity.

    That's it.

    Now, I'm surprised with Greg's response. I think Julio should have a chat, and ask Greg to be more professional, for the sake of what Julio is doing. Obviously Greg is part of the organising staff I imagine? Maybe it is taken out of context, but I'm assuming that is who Montre was talking about in terms of his "friends".

    All sad from all parties. Fairly toxic. This isn't the inclusivity that I keep hearing about. I feel like those words that people preach mean nothing in light of this.

  7. I was fine with him tossing the medal out. Either he won, or he didn't. If he didn't belong in the comp, he shouldn't have gotten any medal. I think that 2nd place medal was an intentional slap in the face to him and his ability.

  8. No one gives Fallon Heffernan any crap when she crushes all of the other quad skaters…. She’s an X-Games silver medalist for in-line!

    If Montre starts skateboarding are they going to tell him he’s too good to compete? Montre is just a natural athletic freak. He could cross over into POG tournaments and drop a slammer on everyone!!

  9. Wat r twiglets I'm from America and I've never heard of this snack before can somebody tell me what they taste like and what they are I know they look like a chip but what kind of chip are they what kind of flavor what's the crunch like I want to know everything about this chip never heard of it before

  10. Rollerblading biggest problem not making the $$$ , is that it’s a poor industry selling to poor bladers. Y’all really need to outsource and get sponsors from outside of blading. Pro’s should get a manager to help them do this as well as set up foundations.

  11. A lot of people think this happened because montre is also an inline skater. But if that's the case shouldn't they also be mad when estro Jen wins? She rollerblades as well. She's pretty good too, especially by women's standards. This isn't about montre being a rollerblader, its about montre being a man. Roller skating is a female dominated culture and they dont like the fact that a man can come in and manhandle their competitions easily. They also don't want to acknowledge the differences between genders because that goes against the ideology of most roller skaters right now. They should've just had a demo if theyre opposed to allowing a cisgender man to win the competition. Or(insane idea) had separate comps for men and women. Montre skated his heart out and risked injury all to have the rug pulled out from under him in favor of sjw-ism. Its bullshit

  12. This kind of reminds me of when double corks were first introduced in half pipe snowboarding.
    Shaun white figured it out first, the other person who was coming close to landing them got brain damage attempting to learn it.
    So he won contests for years till others riders figured it out. Now he's retired because he can't keep up!
    Quad skating needs to give Montre some love for a while until the competition catches up, simply put.

  13. Montre won fair n square, he should have gotten 1st. However, I do see the point that he is so damn good, he must have known he was gonna blow everyone else out of the water and borderline humiliate the other competitors. But that’s the nature of sports I guess… it’s good to be the king!

  14. Montre is LEAGUES better than any of them. And has been since day one… but he hasn't been skating on quads as long as Indyjamma or Estrojen… I think it's fair. Montré needs to quit being robbed. He deserves the shine. Dude is great on wheels. Even bikes.

  15. Too much ideollogies and "community" chit in that quad think tryna brand it etc, never a good think too do with sports because in facts you become "exlusive"watever all that vocab dribles.
    Im 100p with montre he was the best he win thats life!

  16. Taking the win away from him hurts all parties. The new winner feels unworthy and montre will feel cheated. Everywhere else in sport people compete in multiple disciplines what's the difference here?

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