THE DARK TRUTH ABOUT AGING! I Give you 4 ways to bounce back if you feel you are not VISIBLE, SEEN or you feel …


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  1. It makes me happy to see you, who has been and continues to be “out there” in the beauty world, acknowledge we who have not been as blessed, and are aging. I’m going to be 74 in October. I have been following your videos for quite some time and they always lift my spirits. I never was given the gift of children, so I spent that focus on myself, but have made huge mistakes with my skin. Still, I spend a lot of money trying to find a me I can feel comfortable with again. Thank you for your inspiration. You are truly lovely from the heart as well from your presence.

  2. Remember the hoopla over Monica Bellucci being a Bond woman an heaven forfend she’s 57. I remember Daniel Craig being so dismissive of an interviewer who asked how he felt about her being older than the usual Bond girl and he said it’s Monica Bellucci, for gods sake, who wouldn’t want to be with her.

  3. How beautiful you are internally and externally! The genuine kindness and gentleness in which you talked to and touched that beautiful lady, Henrietta, touched me. Thank you for reminding folks that everyone is important. Don't believe that of yourself nor allow anyone to make you feel that way. Reject that feeling and realize that if someone treats you that way, it is their loss that they don't get to interact with you! Listen to what Nikol says and try at least 2 things you can easily start doing this minute and all day long. Air Hugs and smiles to anyone who feels like the invisible underdog. Shine and smile today!

  4. Thank you for inspiring me! I work as a preschool teacher and I’m 69 but I love teaching and I’m appreciated by the parents and the kids love me. I’d love to keep doing this as long as I’m physically able. However I’m invisible to my younger coworkers. They basically ignore me and don’t appreciate my experience. It makes it hard to work in that environment, however, I feel that what you say is appreciated and I take these inspirations about aging to work each day. So thank you for these videos and you are appreciated! Please continue as I love learning about how to do makeup at my age, dress with confidence and feel special! Thank you!

  5. Thank you for inspiring me. I’m 69 and teach preschool. I’m finding that these younger ladies who teach are not respectful or appreciate my experience. They basically ignore me and yet I’m the one whom my kids love and parents appreciate. So yes I feel invisible. However I look my best when I show up for work thanks to your great videos. I feel good about me so I will continue to love these little ones as long as I’m able and I’ll remember what you say about aging! Thank you!

  6. Just watched this and,,oh my goodness….you are such an inspiration and cheerleader for us mature women who feel like what you were talking about……THANK YOU SO MICH…ladies….listen to this woman….I am🤗🥳NIKOL…can you maybe explain how the cbd works for us and how it should make us feel. Thank you again….we ❣️you.

  7. Nikol, Love this video! It is such good advice and all women need to really hear this!! Your videos are definitely helping me with this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!,,

  8. Nikol, I am a woman of color and many of us whether younger or older feel this way. Personally, I am not someone who needs or seeks attention from anyone else. Sometimes moving thru my day without having to interact with other people or concern myself with how someone else sees me stopped being a concern when I turned 52. I am no longer attention seeking the way I was in my youth. I am supremely confident whether I am dressy casual or stripped down to joggers and a hoodie. I am the captain of my own ship and really don't care what someone else thinks. I do what I want, when I want, and how I want wherever I please and I don't ask for permission or apologize for being this confident in myself which I didn't have as a younger woman. So being 'invisible' can have its advantages depending on how you spin it. I'm waiting for my Croning in a few years and have been excited about it since my 40s.

  9. I really needed to hear this today. Thank you, Nikol, so much! I'm just about to turn 53 and contemplating a complete career change but have been afraid because I've done the same thing for so long. So much of what you said hit home. I am finally coming to grips with the fact that I do have wisdom to offer, in my own way. Blessings to you! <3

  10. I work in Assisted Living and my goal is to light up my residents. I hold a spa day every week where they can sip a little wine, snack on fruit and olives and get manicures, facials and hand massages. They chat and share and positively light up, illustrating the truth of your video. Most of my ladies are in their 80s and 90s and they shine! I am 67 years old and love your videos, take notes and send you loving thanks.

  11. Dark truth is fruit acids and gental exfoliate three times a week with most any fruit … Potato juice tomato rice powder lentil powder keep the skin from damage.. no oil clogging oil restore the skin layers store bought chemicals age us.. lightening creams but natural plants parsley mint into a powder form even coffee powder very fine dusk like powders apply to face wash . Or by itself with just water and let sit 5 to 20 min a day will lighten dark spots age spots repair antioxidants .. plump up collogen restore moisture stop wrinkles and black heads tomato and onion for acme n dark spots if too harsh add water .. n let sit 5 to ten min.. onion kill bacteria.. cucumber and rice powder and tumeric lighten and also onion juice add to conditioner to grow bald spots/ alopecia even.. never throw away the peel of any fruit it's bueaty.. n eat it . Add to smoothies banana peels add to soups stews.. orange peels potato skins.. watermelon rind.. it's amazing guys I use them Im 38 n it's so wow.. I was shocked about the white rice.. lighten dark spots even skin tone. All skin types.. if it too drying anything add aloe vera. Leaf juice.. no more store bought products.. n vagina wash is perfect face wash or dove soap .. ambie soap . Use each mask with up to 5 different fruit powers add milk Greek yogurt vegetables can also be used .. like cellery juice or power form works… Rice water grows hair as well never throw it out when making rice.. all free healthy and in you kitchen already.. a new bueatiful u . Works for 60 year old skin.. malasma will lighten.. with tumeric and potato .. nutmeg .. n never skip oil at night on face oil clogger free oils .. use the same oil before leaving home n make your own sunblock.. with zinc oxide. Carrot oil grapeseed oil and avacado oil is acme safe SPF uva uvb protection from sun damage .. remove tan after a long day on black skin … All powders must be backing soda or flour consistency.. oatmeal for calming inflammation on the skin… Look up kitchen bueaty channel or the Indian china d. I y face mask for wat ever issue u have.. enjoy our youth.. n last eat less meat. And eggs. Drink apple cider each day lemon juice n cellery and dandelion to detox the liver.. cilantro to detox heavy metals. Look up what herb or spice detox radiation .. the fruit chemicals block free radicals in face n body ok hope this set everybody free. Add onions raw to smoothies it kills bacteria . Pine needle tea removed the spike protein out of covid make sure it the right pine needle tree tho Christmas tree is the cure to virus. Jus a lil go a long way one twigg a day … Orange peel n lemon peel boil n drink . Remove all white sugar n white flour from diet u can Google why .. but yes less pain people will have . N please don't eat out skip the McDonald's.. never eat it again. If u can .. please 🥺 and I can't say why here but all people must not eat McDonald's I know we gotten use to it but it's a big no. See if u can research why it's heartbreaking n yes u know they fact checked the reason why .. but this is a cruel world full of lies and that age us fast .. the food industry is not so good n the blame cancer on the environment … But no it's all the perservatives and Floride.. that cause cancer.

  12. Hello, Your video just pooped in my feed and… thank you ! I just turned 50, and needed to hear what you said at the end more than I imagined. Tears just started rolling down my cheeks. Thank you again.

  13. I got choked up from this. I'm in my 50s but I feel 25 ! I've definitely experienced the invisible factor but I like your saying it starts with me. 🙂

  14. Thank you so much for this. The defeated, invisible attitude seems to have hit me hard this past year (I’m 49) & it’s been a big shock because I’ve never felt that way before, but it’s also been hard to shake it off & get my old spunky attitude back

  15. Thank you Nikol! Your message is so right and will blow many minds, you make me think of a Greek goddess. Hello from Belgium, and continue to inspire us. 72 this Sunday!

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