Growing Hemp to Support Kin's Domains | Interview w/ Bruce Perlowin, the King of Hemp (Hemp Inc.)

If you are looking to create a financially successful, self-sustaining Kin’s Domain (Settlement), you need to listen to this! Bruce …


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  1. So many great ideas.
    The possibilities are sheer endless. I love the Kin's Domaine certified brand. Guaranteed the best quality. Thank you guys. The future is ours.

  2. Amazing interview again Gabriel! Oh my! There is NO hope for the dark forces! When you look at the humanity, and brilliance and heart-centred action being taken all around us, it brings so much excitement and optimism to the soul! Please give my thanks to Bruce and of course to you too brother! All is well and coming together nicely….Love it!

  3. I like everything hemp related and especially the fibers that can be so useful to making hempcrete for building, and this man has a lot of expertise and experience in this area which is great!
    However, after listening to the whole conversation – it does sounds like developing some kind of store system, that will make people into agricultural workers in their own community, encoraging them to ''fit in'' the current financial system, which is totally backwards in my opinion.

    How are they supposed to enjoy PEACE on their kin's domain, if they have pressure and deadlines from maintaining a communal agricultural business with all its responsibilities? And how would that be different in the end to any other people who work on the land to make ends meet?
    The money system will collapse, folks – because it is fraud and not backed up by anything except for manipulation and human suffering, it has always been used for control over humans, to keep them as slaves, to tax them for their 'mothers milk' and steal their life force enrgy big time! To the point most were distracted and preoccupied with survival and making money instead of focusing on more important things. Same with the land.. Some of us here who still have living grandparents know first hand how the land was taken away from them – the nativeswho grew on it by force! Some even paid with their life trying to protect it.
    And here you guys submitting to it, trying to come up with ways to stay into that same slavery system and plan people's future around it ?
    I appreciate this man's good heart and his offer of buisiness venture possibilities for kin domains but there is no slavery in our future, Gabriel.
    Unless one wants to stay in a master-slave reality, everybody will create what they want
    Freedom of expression of the Human Soul/Spirit is above the current corrupted system and has always been our birth right, whether is exactly stated in the Ringing Cedars books or not, IT IS NOT ''Fanatasy Land'', it is our essence of who we are.

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