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  1. Question….we saw our shelves without product for a while….my question is….was that by design so we wouldn't be so surprised and frustrated at this point?? My thoughts are….we are now feeding 1 million more people….why isn't this shortaged caused by feeding all the illegal immigrants coming across our borders????? It's not a leap to me….

  2. The US forced the Europeans to impose sanctions against Russia, while they themselves not only continue to import oil from Russia but also increased the volume of supplies of the black gold by 43 percent over the past week, to 100,000 barrels per day!

  3. I canโ€™t believe that AT&Tโ€™s Direct TV cancelled their contract or did not renew its contract with OAN News. Talk about โ€œCancel Culture!โ€ This is large corporation cancelling the conservative point of view! I felt that OANN was one of te best news channels and that they reported the truth!

  4. Thats like saying Russia could never be a friend or an Ally…I remember what Abraham Lincoln said…."Dont I destroy an enemy when I make them my friend",There have been times that 99% of americans probably dont remember after glasnost we treated them pretty bad.Almost like our attitude toward Russia is YOU WILL BE OUR ENEMY ..This was way before Ukraine.


  6. Russia is LAUGHING. I would love to have coffee and donuts with Vlad, and shake his hand … America is its own worst enemy, the laughingstock, the rump revealed in District of Crimes, Crimes of Humanity for decades… Bloodletting beyond belief…

  7. Something brings me to the fact that Putin has some dirt on the Biden Family!!!!
    Biden will do what ever it takes to kill any form of fossil fuel energy. That appears to be obvious to anyone with half of a brain.

  8. You never do anything definitely! Always leave yourself an option. The never say never saying applies. You could freeze the purchase for 5 to 10 years to be looked at in the future.

  9. The dems will vote for it because they don't want ANY fossil fuels used. This whole thing just leaves us, out here with raised prices for everything. I live on SS and can't afford their EV or any newer car. Mine is 18 yrs old.

  10. Psalm 45:6
    Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever, and justice is the scepter of Your kingdom.
    Ps 68
    let God arise let his enemies be scattered.

  11. who cares lol, we were the #1 leading world wide exporter until this fraud came into office, we have plenty of our own oil , this prick is buying middle east oil and getting a kick back for buying it at a high price and he is selling all our domestic oil to the EU and China at a cheap price for another kick back, he is getting it at both ends, He needs to be arrested

  12. Corrupt Biden regime, hidden by their derangement, screwballs with Rino's. So much for taxing the rich schemes. Their hypocrisy is imploding, but the medias still pumping fake narratives or silent. Speaking out of both sides of their mouths, they are revealing their desire to collapse our government.

  13. The United Socialist States government is destroying the Country and world from within . Has been for decades. America and World wake up!!!% America and Britain is the Babylon and will crumble to Ash. And All the people with it.The hope of the people of God is never in political power. Let me say that again. Our greatest power is not political and the minute you believe that your greatest power is political, your greatest power is political influence, you will compromise the gospel. It always happens. You see, our power is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ because the gospel of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to do what politics could never, ever do; and that is rescue and transform the heart of a person. America Bless God Again!!!%๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ™โš”๐Ÿ›กโœ๏ธ

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