5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss: …


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  1. Does all this apply to regular heartburn? I tried removing EVERYTHING acidic from my diet, and it made things 5000000 times worse! I ended up having a scope and a barium swallow. Barium swallow confirmed reflux but I had no throat damage at all. PPI's were then prescribed and have removed 99.9% of the problem. But I still can't sleep flat or I will cough and wake up with a sore throat. Wondering if it's still worth trying this type of diet again.

  2. Fantastic interview. I suffer from lifelong asthma/allergies and most recently (last 5 years) have been diagnosed with GERD. Upper endoscopy revealed the start of Barrett's esophagus as well (thankfully followup endoscopy no longer showed signs of that). I've been on Prilosec ever since that first endoscopy. Don't know how to spell Dr. Aviv's "huffing/coughing" but I do that ALL DAY LONG. Always thought it was more allergy based but now I realize it is probably the opposite. Definitely going to grab his book and learn more about how to better eat or neutralize certain foods to still enjoy them occasionally.

  3. My wife suffers from oral facial granulomatosis, a disease with mouth lesions that is attributed to an autoimmune situation. She is also taking a low dose of a PPI for reflux. The problem with the PPI is that it might increase autoimmune problems. There is no study that I can find that definitely associated GERD with OFG … But I think there could well be a relation and that an Acid Watchers Diet could help her (and also my severe GERD).

  4. I’ve been whole on a whole food plant based diet for over a decade. This info here is a start. If you’re still suffering after making these adjustments, you’re most likely dealing with bacterial/viral loads. Typically h.pylori is to blame for acid reflux. When it proliferates in the gut, it can cancel out acid; it has a protective barrier that protects it from stomach acid (ammonia) which neutralizes stomach acid. When stomach acid is too low, the flap at top of stomach doesn’t get the signal to close. So the acid comes up – more so when you lay down. Check out #MedicalMedium to learn how to reverse it.

  5. When I got off the school bus this morning, whilst listening to this… I was coughing and mucusing (lol) And now I've learned that I need to neutralise foods to get rid of that mucus!!! Wow!

  6. Going WFPB, oil-free has greatly helped my acid reflux. Tomatoes and vinegar (and a couple of other foods) don't bother me much anymore. Your book sounds interesting, though.

  7. Thank you Chef AJ…this interview was so interesting. I have the throat clearing issue and excess mucous. No idea it is due to acid reflux…and guess what I have been doing every morning for years and years????..drinking lemon juice in my green tea!! Won't be doing that anymore.😊

  8. Thanks so much for this! So useful! I think I’ve had reflux for years and because it is silent I blamed allergies. Only recently since watching Chef AJ have I started to notice how food and drink affects my “huffing” and listening to this doctor it totally makes sense.

  9. So wonderful, so proud to be a Chef AJ follower, I think I have watched every episode every episode since November 2019 when I went plant based because of you Chef AJ. I went off Nexium acid blocker within three weeks! Haven’t used it since. This was fantastic and look forward to you two working together xxx

  10. Thank you so very much for having Dr. Aviv. My primary reason for following Chef AJ and doing a WFPB lifestyle is controlling my reflux. Losing weight is important but not as primary. This diet has made an amazing difference for me. I first read Dr. Aviv's book about 5 years ago and it changed my life. I have been bringing together Chef AJ's recipes with Dr. Aviv's recommendations and my own knowledge of my body. Thank you thank you thank you!

  11. This is an outstanding doctor! Dr. Jonathan E. Aviv is an absolute gem. He is so encouraging, has such a positive message, walks his talk, is clearly living a healthy lifestyle, shared his exercise and eating habits with us and understands the important relationship of food and health. Dr. Aviv's attitude should be the norm of what to expect from our doctors. He had a great presentation and the conversation was incredibly enjoyable. Terrific show, Chef AJ. Sorry I have to miss this evening's live show due to work. Catch you on the replay! 🙏

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