Larry Elder Reacts to WNBA Star Brittney Griner Detained in Russia

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  1. Can we now send Kaepernick to Cuba since he loves that country so much? I think the entire staff at CNN and MSNBC would love to move to Venezuela. I say we grant all their wishes to live in their own utopias

  2. It's probably not a good idea to be transporting drugs, or paraphernalia internationally in your luggage at all much less through a country that is considered an enamy

  3. Larry left out: free to be of a ‘different orientation’ – in RUS, not so much. I hope they give her 20 years; send her to Siberia to make Little Rock’s out of big rocks.

  4. her stance on the anthem is her right as an american and is an example of freedom. its anti-american to hold that against her. you can not like it if you want but you must up hold it up for integrity's sake.

  5. If someone doesn't stand for the national anthem it's their choice BUT it goes a long way to show what is being taught in public (gov) education and even in the so – called private schools. IDEAS in the culture matter

  6. Leave her there America doesn’t want her! We are tired of Elitist who have been blessed by the resources this country offers them only to turn around and trash it! With out these resources she and many others like her would be nothing!!! She should be thankful for the blessings God and this country have given her!

  7. So this man-hating hate-filled racist bigot, who gets paid $240,000 a year [top 2% in the country] to play a child's game, for which there is NO MARKET, thinks that she is a victim. So she disrespects the very country [and its Veterans] that gave her a life of unimaginable priviledge and entitlement, stating that she "can't do whatever she wants". The fact is that not only has she NEVER been "wrongfully pulled-over", but she HAS DONE whatever the hell she wanted, including physically assaulting opposing team players at the high school, collegiate, and professional levels, as well as committing domestic abuse by beating her wife unconscious. I don't know if there has ever been anyone who deserved to rot in prison more than this low-life. So, no, Joe Biden SHOULD NOT lift a finger to "bring her back/home".

  8. Im about as white as a guy can get….and i have been pulled over a lot….i break minor traffic laws…welll…not so much now…but hey…if ya break the law ..gettin pulled over and ticketed is a consequence to an action

  9. This lady is finally going to find out what its like to live without rights. So tired of every person being a victim and making the world stop every time someone feels offended by someone else's feelings or thoughts or ideas. Every one is allowed to have their opinion as long as its the same was what the other person wants you to think.

  10. Dont take your drugs to russia…how dumb can you be…. To me this is karma at its finest..yeah…she aint out there and i dont miss her at all

  11. If or when she gets back, I will bet a pay check that instead of feeling grateful, she will complain about why it took so long…… and that if she were white bah bah bah….
    My opinion is based on reading several of her quotes and her attitude when said.

  12. She would have also been arrested in Texas for bringing drugs into the state. So what? If she was arrested here she would be considered a criminal but arrested in Russia she's a hero. Go figure.

  13. Let that non-American stay right where she is. Why would she want to return to such a racist country?
    Oh wait is this the same racist country that made her black butt a millionaire? She has the nerve to ask for America's help. Possessing drugs that are illegal in Russia. Not the brightest bulb in the lamp, is she?

  14. Wonder if she is still thinks kneeling is a good thing or if she misses our freedom ?
    LET HER SIT IN RUSSIA !hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha,hahahahahahahahahahahaha

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