Cheap Fragrances That Get The Job Done! | Weekly Fragrance Rotation #122



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  1. Hawas true story….wore this to the gym the other day, 6-7 sprays lol… Buddy walks in from outside sees me, "Mike, I can smell you from OUTSIDE THE BUILDING", that stuff is passing through the vents..🤣🤣… King of Nuclear Sillage

  2. This perfume is just a hype. This perfume is very similar to zara brand perfumes Seoul and other of their blue fragrances. I ordered one it's alright like 7/10 but it lasts 6-7 hrs. Very common smell nothing special or luxury.

  3. Hey bro! I for one would really love to see that Sauvage Elixir clone battle vid. I honestly didn't even know that anyone had already cloned it and I've really been wanting to get my nose on it without blind buying the original for that rediculous price tag! Plus, knowing which one is the best to get is information that would be valuable to me! Thanks for the heads-up letting us know that there are indeed clones of Elixir out there my friend! Btw, you really GOTTA get your nose on the Belcam G Eau line! They're all clones of ADG fragrances and every damn one that I have are shockingly good! Plus, they're $8! I bet they'd make some great battle videos too! I don't see a lot of other videos from that line and that's a real shame! Btw, you can get em at Walmart.

  4. I've heard good things about Hawas. Since I usually watch your rotation vids on Mondays, I missed the $37 price…Damn.

    This weeks rotation looked like this: Usher UR, 3 AM, Burberry Brit Rhythm, AF First Instinct Together, Coach for Men, ADG Profondo Lights, DG Light Blue Forever (Blind bought and love it).

    I haven't seen a good battle video in a minute…I vote yes on the battle vid. Thanks for the weekly rotation update.

  5. He Ross idk if you’ve heard about this cheapie called Hunter Intense by Armaf but it’s one I think you’ll love. It’s a combo of 2 fragrances you enjoy: invictus/Hawas and Sauvage. 22 bucks for a 100 ml and it’s def a crowd pleaser. Never thought invictus n sauvage would pair so well together. Check it out if you get a chance you won’t regret it.

  6. Great rotation bro. I picked up that Rasasi Hawas and so are the orders for Cherry Land and Clean Musk. Can't wait to smell them all and definitely your take on the Authenticity ones. Have a great week brother.

  7. Prada Lhomme OG being included in a list of a known iris lover really shows that is really a very good perfume. To me, its the only soapy iris fragrance around. Thanks for mentioning my favorite designer frag!

  8. Polo Monday; Polo Red intense
    Tuesday: Guerlain LHOMME Ideal edp, ooooh wee !
    Wednesday: Paco Rabonne, One Million

    Thursday:Club DeNuit Intense Man
    Friday: MB Individuel
    Saturday Club DeNuit Intense Man
    Sunday Prada LHomme Intense

  9. Great list Ross, love the 2.0 version of Summer Vibez. Smells like musky Sprite to me. Its excellent. Mike's Sauvage Elixir sounds alot like Dapper Fragrances Version. Its great as well. I need to pick up and try His soon.

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