Autism Meds Cause Serious Side Effects

One of our viewers brought crucial information to us regarding Ian’s recent behaviors and how it’s related to his medications.


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  1. As a nurse and mother if a child that has had to take risperdal, it takes quite a while before the bad long term effects kick in. Each time the patient comes to the doctor, the doc is suppose to be checking for any of these side effects during the visit. It doesn't take but a minute or two. Blood levels need monitoring also. My son was on this for his bipolar for years and never had trouble because the levels were kept at a range that was therapeutic and safe.
    Best of luck with your search for the right medication. It might mean you will need more than one med.
    I am surprised the doctor just stopped the drug so far from starting the new one.

  2. I’m on the spectrum myself I’m just glad I’ve been able to not need meds since 14 I’m 17 now and way better for it i know someone else who has some issues uses meds and he now involuntarily moves ticks due to those meds obviously I’m aware some people need the medications but if ever possible stop them.

  3. ** **Nice video… .. The powerful autism medication I have been talking About, I got it from…. "DrEromon", and that's the name of His YouTube channel,,,, … … I will advise you go Help your Kid's too… … ……..

  4. I absolutely appreciate 🙏❤
    You both for sharing your Journey with us all who work with an have
    Special needs children as well…
    For my son what I made the decision
    Did on my own…
    was I cut out all soda pop..
    I bought the fizzy water machine
    And mixed in fresh fruits 😋
    My boy's love it… then I cut out
    All Yellow cheese' only white"
    No canned food'
    Or any foods, with gmo inside.
    White chocolate only ! No dark
    Trust me there's a chemical difference between the two…
    Please try these' I recommend it…
    It's the chemical changes that'
    Could make a difference as well.
    For my son 💙 it did..
    The small changes are not hard
    To do… but will last a lifetime in
    The best way"
    My love and hugs to you all 💞💐

  5. May i please ask at what age and how you got ur sons tested and how u came about knowing they had autism? I'm only asking because i think at least 1 of my 2 sons may have some of the signs of a level 5-6 meltdown and would love 2 try anything 2 help him in any way i can.

  6. Thanks for the video. I have two on the spectrum. Both boys exhibit physical aggression, and self injurious behaviors. One son is on Abilify (we keep upping the dose), and the second son is on Risperidone. We still haven’t found that one medication that we felt gave us the most reduction in physical aggression. I’m not expecting anything to take it all away completely. Hopefully one day. One of my sons has PDA autism. Trying to figure out how best to approach him has been a huge learning experience.

  7. The people who make those comments must not have autistic children let alone 3. I have a 3 year old autistic daughter. And she’s easier to “control” now but what about when she’s older. So I empathize and sympathize with you

  8. I personally find the short meltdown clips extremely helpful. My first born has autism and I honestly never knew whether he was having a tantrum verse a meltdown when he was younger. I sometimes would discipline meltdowns when I definitely should not have because of not having any other autistic kids to compare to and just not knowing. Your videos have helped me so much in such a short amount of time. Thank you💕

  9. Vraylar has the least risk of causing TD compared to other antipsychotics although its very expensive. I can see why you've made the decision, just be weary with the follow ups. Don't let them over saturate your children with drugs.

  10. Glad you realized Risperdal is a bad drug. I would encourage significant distrust of pill-strewing psychiatrists. Being on the spectrum, your son is inherently different and may be gifted beneath his outer shell; antipsychotics and other psychotropic meds will only stunt and/or hold back his potential. Despite the regular MD hysteria regarding benzodiazepines, I suggest you speak to an open-minded MD about a Xanax (alprazolam) Rx for your son if anxiety and/or unhealthy perseveration are symptoms with which he deals. Additionally, consider alternative approaches such as full-spectrum cannabinoids.

  11. Hi, can you give us an update on how he is doing with the new medicine? My son is currently taking risperidone and is experiencing some of what I though were new Stims similiar to your son. Thank you for sharing

  12. Have You Ever thought Your one Son COULD Have ( Tourette’s Syndrome ) Since His Stims Keep CHANGING ?
    AUtism Stims. Typically Don’t Keep Changing , His Stims Do Keep On Changing I just Wanted you to Know this . Have You had him Tested For Tourette’s syndrome , I have a Younger Brother WHO has
    ( Tourette Syndrome ) and my Brother HAS BOTH AUTISM & Tourette Syndrome too. Have You Thought about Using Medical Marijuana For Ian Just Curious . I Hope You Can Find the Best Medication for him 😁 wishing You and Your Family All the Best As a FELLOW AUTISTIC with 2 Forms of SEVERE ANXIETY , ❤️ 👍🏽 and OCD and Other Disabilities . I Know How He Feels .

  13. Just wanted to say…the fact that you guys took the comment into consideration rather than responding defensively….says a lot about you both as people and parents. 👍 I pray the road to finding a successful alternative is a pretty smooth and timely transition for both y'all and Ian. Remember to give YOURSELVES some mercy by not feeling too guilty….all parents can do is try….and it's obvious you both try your very best! 🥰 Our "children" are all grown up (30's)😉…I remember what it was like ….giving myself a hard time…. for not ALWAYS KNOWING EVERYTHING. 😏😇

  14. I dont have kids with autisme nor have any kids at all I Just think you guys do a great jib tk educate People alot and I have huge respect for the way you deal with it. Thank you

  15. Thank you for sharing this. Can you give an update on how abilify has been working for your son? Did the tics go away? Our doctor just prescribed vraylar (similar to abilify) for our 15yo son and I am very nervous about the side effects, but we are desperate to help him manage his destructive and negative behaviors.

  16. Hi, I wish you didn’t have to face all these autism behaviours. But I would like to ask whether you have ever tried to check fatty acids in the blod of your children? The balance of omega fatty acids is essential for autistic people ant it is based not only on experiences but on science researches as well.

  17. We are starting my son on abilify/aripiprozole can you please post an update how your son is doing with his change from reapidole to abilify. Also how do you control his hunger pains. Is he always asking for good looking for his next meal… also when do you give the medication at night or morning. My other son was on abilify for years started seeing some muscle ticks and lowered his dose seemed to work. It’s a hard balance. I much appreciate your channel so much knowledge and information. Learned so much from you guy. You are incredible parents keep doing what your doing

  18. Our son is 24. He's been on Abilify since he was 14. We give him half of maximum adult dose. If he has a really bad anxiety attack we give him either half a pill or full pill of Lorazepam (1 mg pill) . Lorazepam we only use as a last resort and it's really effective in calming him down. It takes 25 minutes to take effect so we just have to restrain him that long. Once he starts crying we know his anxiety attack is over.

    My wife and I use meds but try to give the minimum amount possible. I like the fact Abilify has worked for our son but also have a back up med like Lorazepam for emergency situations.

    Lastly we give our son a sleeping pill if he has poor sleep for three days in a row which happens once a week or once every ten days.

  19. As I commented in another video,I have aspburgers among other mental stuff and I'm on anti psychotics,like depakote,Seroquel,hydroxide,lithium, melatonin for sleep.etc
    And my wife is on some anti depressants,and was on ability,I was on abilify but it was too expensive and it made my mind feel like it was sinking into sluggish mud.and me and my wife have aspburgers.
    Yet my dad who is type 2 bipolar (I'm type 1). He said abilify is a lifesaver for him.
    I think it's just down right crazy for anyone to tell people what they should do with their child,cause nobody sees what life is like with a family and the family dynamics as a whole.i feel that you guys like other trying to do good families are being very humble and very vonerable to let us in on aspects of your life and for that we as watchers should respect. Your privacy,your decisions and be greatful that you are willing to share your story and the ups and downs.

  20. I happen to run across your videos. My son is now 15, was diagnosed at 3. I have had nothing but problems with the medications. The only medication that worked was Risperdal. He was awesome on it, but his breast started growing and his bloodwork is out of wack. He has tried Abilify, but he gained so much weight on it. Im lost. Like u said, i would love for him without medications, but he is aggressive and punched things. I would love help. My son sounds identical to yours.

  21. There is a Dr that you can get in touch with (Dr Oyalo) on Youtube. Am excited to share about how his herbs works perfectly in reversing my son autism. now he is herbal with his behavior ok and he can not obey instructions. the herbs has been a positive impact on his and i recommend to everyone too.

  22. Thank you so much for this video. Nothing came up on my 1st 2 searches for toxic autism drugs. (Yes I hate drugs but I respect where you're coming from)

    The best way I know of to get off of drugs is a carnivore diet. I know that may sound strange but it's the easiest and most effective diet I know of. It just means more meat eggs and fish. And less of the plant based garbage we eat.

    It makes shopping and cooking easier. And it's cheaper than any other diet. And it works perfectly with fasting of any type.

    After eliminating plant based foods, fasting is the 2nd most important thing for our health. That can be anything from skipping breakfast to a 5 day extended fast.

    I'm sure everyone knows the standard American diet is terrible for our health What everyone may not know is that the most popular alternative diet is just as bad.

    Humans are not herbivores we do not need to eat any plants. Some spices may have medicinal properties And some plants aren't as bad as others But we don't need any of them. Not even wheat grass.

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