Exposing a Tranont "Opportunity" Zoom | #tranont | #antimlm

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  1. Hey guys! This was a very long and taxing video to edit. Some of the slides are cut out from the zoom. Just wanted to give you a heads up! I hope you enjoy the video!

  2. So it will give us the shits and we will loose weight? Omg they kill me. I’m in the autoimmune disorder family unfortunately and these people kill me. Hell I want to gain weight not loose it.

  3. Most jobs offer a paid vacation. Actually my husbands job doesn’t but thats because he works 3 wks on and 3 wks off in remote alaska. Lol but still he gets 3 wks to do what he wants. We plan ahead and don’t think about work while on vacation.

  4. Brand new here. Your thumbnail caught my attention and so here we go. Can’t wait to learn more about you and your side of the mlm world. Education is fundamental to stopping the scams.

  5. Your body doesn't "fight" CBD oil 🤣😆 A CBD tincture, you put a few drops under your tongue and hold it there for 30 seconds or so….as it fully ABSORBS into your system! I take CBD tinctures and gummies regularly AND give them to my son who has autism….CBD is awesome. There are ALREADY water additives for CBD that's a bit of a thinner oil which you can mix into a glass or a pitcher of water…..their product is NOT unique.
    Sorry, I was writing this as the video was going on, so I saw you mentioned other companies that have the water soluble CBD. I can confirm that Your CBD Store has water soluble CBD for about $70-80, and that's not even the lowest price! 😆

  6. why don't they give ANY sources – even high school speech classes (do they still offer those) or writing an essay REQUIRES sources not parrot or copy paste!

  7. 1.I know the US is bot employ friendly, but you usually still get paid time of for vacation right.
    2.She just told us she is a hair dresser and now "explaining" digestion. does not sound like a valid source.

  8. There is sooo much content on tranont. So much manipulation and sometimes just flat out lies.

    I’m just gonna say it I’m finding it hard to believe the story from the lady that couldn’t eat at restaurants bc everything made her sick and she took the enzymes and in 2 hours she was having chicken tacos. I’m sorry I just can’t believe that this product was that profound. I mean she acted like it cured her so if that was true y wouldn’t our government buy it to give actual sick ppl through prescriptions from doctors! If this company was so amazing y don’t they want to actually help more ppl that really need it!

  9. I was actually looking for a video about recruiting as they’re now launching in the UK and I am very well informed about it… I’ll put it that way… I honestly don’t know what to do 🤔 they’re making a big deal about it right now in the UK trying to get as many people as possible to join and to be honest I signed up and I am now part of the founding UK team 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have health problems and I had an operation in January and I’m going back in May for another operation it’s in my stomach and I also found out I had a bad liver but if this helps then I’ll take it I need something , I’ve gone from a size 8UK to the size 16 which is a big difference and it’s all about my circulation my stomach and water retention my health has really decreased in the past three years I know that they’ll be here in the UK in April for a convention and lunch with some new products to… Please don’t give me any hate speech at the end of the day my face is here my name is here and people who are in my team can see that I’ve commented here, but I am actually grateful you did a video that actually had some good quality and decent content instead of people claiming oh look at the bad side of this and really it’s just a tool for them to sign up. Do you know what I mean?
    By the way if this doesn’t come out correctly it’s because it’s speech to text work smarter not harder😉😂😂
    And I’ve subscribed to😊❤❤

  10. In the before/after picture of the backside of that woman, it looks to me like she is clenching her muscles in the before (which naturally shows more bumps and cellulite than at a relaxed state). The "results" are too easily capable of being just smoke in mirrors. I never trust before/afters.

  11. The phrase, “Anyone can do it.” I would love to ask them what they define “do it” as. Because if they mean cold call and try to sell products, then yes, anyone can do that. Children can do that. And they do for their schools, teams, and clubs. If they mean be successful, then no, most can’t do that. As the numbers show. Their own numbers.

  12. I am new to your channel and I would love to see you cover Team National. I was roped into it by my COMMANDER. It was crazy. He recruited most of our squadron and was moved to a new command because of it. I did not find any warning videos when I joined back in 2017 and an antimlm video covering it would have saved me so much time and money. I would love to see someone cover it. It also has primarily men in it which is sorta different.

  13. The results aren't normal with the cellulite because I guarantee that picture is photoshopped. Cellulite is one of the hardest things to get rid of. I just really find those results hard to believe. I actually don't believe it at all. I hate things like this because it preys on women's insecurities and then they are really let down when it doesn't work for them.

  14. Why do they get so excited about these ladies with weird, only in mlm, top 1% ranks honouring everyone with their presence. No one invited on that opportunity zoom has a clue or a care about all that, and certainly shouldn’t be grateful they ‘popped on’.

  15. Thank you for this. You’re the best!! I don’t have a lot to say but I was recruited before they used social media. They did a belly to belly meeting at my office. I didn’t know anything about mlm.

  16. So in my experience and education the healing of the gut microbiome takes time depending on the chronicity of the disease. For me personally it took over 6 months on a strict elimination diet to reduce inflammation and be able to digest properly. And yes I had my inflammation markers checked with blood draws. However other patients did it in 30 days. Hope that helps a little.

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