Mindfulness of Body to Reduce Pain and Calm the Mind | Beginner Meditation Series | Mindful Movement

This meditation for mindful awareness of your body is about awakening to your physical sensations and offering yourself an …


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    This workshop is all about Meditation and Mindfulness practices for the busy, modern life where you will learn to reduce suffering and manage stress so that you can enjoy ease within yourself, at work, and in relationships.

    Check it out! https://www.themindfulmovementcourses.com/foundations-of-meditation

  2. Thank you sara and as usual I love your meditation and I really needed this one today it was perfect timing ๐Ÿ’– hello from barbados ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ง have a great day

  3. I've been listening to your videos non stop for the last 24 hours due to a mammoth move #12 in 20 years into my own accommodation this time and I've been crying, I'm exhausted, beyond exhausted mentally and physically and to be honest Sara, I don't think I'd have gotten thru these past 6 months of serious trauma in my life without your presence. Even my little dog Buddy chills to your soothing voice. I've taken so much from your channel and am indebted to you for so much goodness and I'm ever grateful. My journey is not over but eternal gratitude for you, Les and your channel of pure goodness and warmth. Blessed Be ๐Ÿ™

  4. Sara's voice is the best for me, everyone else's voice is hard to relax to. I have been a long time follower. I appreciate how she implements science into it, like how the techniques work on the nervous system, vagus nerve, etc… Clever woman

  5. Thank you for this new series. The content of this meditation is terrific! It truly pulls me into the "here and now". I also like the softness of your voice, the visual and the music. I will post this with a Fibro group I'm in, on my FB page, and with others who are in chronic pain. I'm looking forward to your next presentation already! Wishing you the very best!

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