Jordan Peterson on Getting Off of Benzodiazepines, Being in the Spotlight

Taken from JRE #1769 w/Jordan Peterson: …


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  1. I had a bad reaction to Benzo's when I had pacemaker surgery. I woke up very hostile and combative. I would not cooperate with instructions and ended up in restraint's to stop me from tearing at my tubes and surgery. I had Benzo's listed as being allergic to them so I can not get them without my knowing. I was a Psych nurse in a forensic mental hospital and saw the dangers of the psychotropic medications. They are scary.

  2. Sorry. Im open for debate. But when you are talking about the climate who are not in this clip and you dress like the waiter in the SHINING your done. First you kill your family; then talk about the future. Crazy people

  3. Lately I've been going thru heavy stress, depression and anxiety. I had to quit my job and move back in with my parents because I couldn't trust myself being alone with my 45. Also Just found out I have cancer and it's making my suicidal thoughts worse. Plus not having insurance and a Dr plague me. I honestly don't know how I'm going to deal with this life any longer.

  4. Where I live in North Macedonia so many people use benzodiazepines, you can get them here without prescription for less than 50 cents a pack. I see so many friends use them and they can't get off of them, it's sad.

  5. I've been there. Was being prescribed 6mg of Xanax a day. Was harder to come off than heroin. Came off both before. So grateful to be 2 years sober from everything.

  6. My channel nipster99 are a few videos Daily updates on tapering of Xanax and diazepam 11 days in and finished my tapering course. Plz see what’s happens next

  7. I just walked in and said give me 30mg of diazepam a day and gave a reason and boom I got them for years and years whilst also taking opiod painkillers and if i just stopped taking it I'd die so it took years going down at 2mg a month! And still it was painful for months after that

  8. People keep getting hooked on all this bullshit. And yet they keep prescribing these drugs – over and over and over and over – making people's lives far worse than they were before they started taking the drug. Knock it off. Teach people how to meditate so they can make real changes from within, and not just mask their problems with some heavy drug. Training your mind is such an important skill, and yet we almost completely ignore it in our culture.

  9. This sucks. I depend on anti anxiety DAILY because I can't sleep at night, I can never shut off my brain. Ativan has helped me with this but the need to increase the dosage has become a major issue. I really don't see any end in sight. I've gone from 1mg to 2mgs sometimes more, then when that didn't work I've started using edibles and chasing them with tylenol PM just so I can get a few hrs sleep. I hate it… What sucks is that I work in the M.H field and can't practice what I preach. Do I need a new job? I don't drink and have never used any recreational drugs except recently starting edibles.. Now watching this gives me no hope.. Damn..

  10. My doctor said "Take this less than 30 days and you'll have no problems." I took ONE xanex and the next day my brain was different. I had awful headache in the morning and my anxiety was already worse than before I took one pill. These pills are not the answer imo.

  11. I’ve listened to Dr Peterson’s videos and interviews with others. Given what we know about the medical industry now I don’t trust anybody in the industry. Doctors and lawyers have an arrogance about them. This man fits that scenario.

  12. Horrible like being brutally tortured in the nervous system, burning 🔥 electric ⚡️ jerks paranoia complete tension and extremely shitty feeling
    Cold turkey 2.5 mg per day

  13. I only use a little Xanax if I have difficulty sleeping which doesn’t happen that often. I thank God for this because right now I’m dealing with my wife’s Alzheimer’s. I too have issues with SAD during the winter. I really feel for Dr. Peterson!

  14. I came off them and it was hell. I just stopped, didn’t sleep for 2 weeks. I had to get off because it turns you into someone you hate. My memory is like a dream of those times. Massive black holes if memory. Even now I have trouble with memory. Don’t touch them unless u absolutely don’t have a choice, I don’t know anyone who has taken them and it was a positive for them.

  15. I got off benzos 10 years ago. Always took them as prescribed, never abused them. To say it was hell is putting it lightly. Most people would not have survived, I almost didn't. The entire experience was so traumatizing I don't even like to talk about it. I haven't touched a single psych drug ever since and never will again.

  16. Oh my god I knew this guy was cool! 2 years on 4mg klonopin. Took me 14 months to taper off. That was 4 years ago and I’m still not the same.

  17. 11 years of med compliance resulting in chemical dependency to benzos-Klonapin, so difficult even in rehab. Benzodiazepine targets the same cell receptors as alcohol hence the term solid booze coined by Betty Ford, And definitely can kill you going off them cold turkey just like alcohol because of seizure

  18. I believe I could make you sleep without benzodiazepines. And I would be happy to help.
    Please let Jordan knows or send me an email adress for me to contact him. Thank you in advance for your attention.

  19. Jordan, you need to take responsibility for your own drug use. You of all people are capable of knowing the ins and outs of the psychological literature on benzos. Then he comes back and starts proselytizing right away. This is the “responsibility and put your life together before trying to change the world” guy. I am sincerely confused by how this whole thing has gone down.

  20. Anybody who has watched a single JBP lecture knows that JBP often plays with his ring when he is thinking or talking about something. It is funny how someone in their right mind can misunderstand that as a sign of sexual misconduct.

  21. I was on Benzo's for 7 years and wanted off but my doctor refused to help me get off of them. I stopped cold turkey and it almost killed me. The good they do is far outweighed by the harm they do. It took over a year before all the withdraws went away. Horrible drug.

  22. The worst condition in the world that noone gives a shit about. im 5 years out and im STILL in hell, absolute hell, flight or fight mode is stuck to on, shaking inside, dizzy, vertigo, sick feeling, a hundred symptoms at once, and no dr has a clue or believes me, they say its just anxiety. im freaking dying out here trying to keep up with life, ive lost just about everything and everyone is pissed at me. i can barely walk into a store, i have like permanent phobia to everything. its freaking awful and no one believes it.

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