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  1. Is nobody going to point out how the fuck this guy can be a hunter-gatherer if he practices agriculture? They’re literally mutually exclusive concepts in human ancestry

  2. If that man kills someone and goes to prison he will probably nicely try to talk to the big dog there (and if that fails) beat the dog shit/kill the BIGGEST man in there to state his case/dominance.

  3. He gets millions of dollars of free publicity by appearing natty. People will look at him and buy his stuff. He would be crazy to admit he’s not natural. He has so much incentive to lie.

  4. If this guy was in a hunter gatherer tribe the rest of the tribe would starve to death. Eating that amount of food isnt representative of a hunter gatherer 😂

  5. it’s just funny when people who claim natty think they can get away with it when people who actually know how much work it takes to get to a certain level of physique or strength.

  6. Does anybody else get Mark Zuckerberg vibes off liver crotch ? I think he looks like a Zuckerberg from an alternate universe where steroids Rain from the sky

  7. his response was literally a copy and paste for promoting his business. come one people get your shit together. Is he natty…. NO ONE WILL KNOW BUT HIM! So shut the fuck up stop hating and do better for your goddamn self and crying about others.

  8. whats up primals? wtf is primal about this dude? this is the most 2021 guy ever, making tik toks showing his thousand dollars new equipment and full of steroids dude…..

  9. he is definetely on steroids, first , second there is NOTHING ancestral about his lifestyle, he is a youtuber for gods sake….. also have you seen african or american tribes? do they look like him? that guy is ridiculous clown

  10. if he has part ownership in a supplement business, then he has every reason to lie about his PED use…doesn't matter what the haters say if you can make loads of money off people who believe your story

  11. I don't know why anyone does handstand exercises. The head and neck veins don't seem to be made to handle that much blood pressure forcing it's way into them. I'm fairly sure this can wear down arteries and increase risk of stroke. It just instinctively seems not smart.

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