THIS TOOK A TURN… Esthe Reacts to Nicole Kidman's Suspiciously Simple Nighttime Skincare Routine

THIS TOOK A TURN… Esthe Reacts to Nicole Kidman’s Suspiciously Simple Nighttime Skincare Routine PRODUCTS …


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  1. I wanted to let you know that I bought the Perri one vitamin C serum after you recommend. The reason I mentioned cheaper than skin ceuticals bit c ferulic acid. Dr Perri one is a lot less because you didn't consider the amount of product. Perri one gives you 2 fluid oz while SC is only 1. When you gave the difference you didn't mention this

  2. Love your hair! They look great on you. I am in the same boat. I straightened it for years after being called Chopin and puddle in elementary school. In junior high no one even knew I had curly hair. Until one summer holiday I stopped doing it and I noticed they looked nice. I came back to school with natural hair and everyone was asking if it's a perm… I love my hair now.

  3. I might do a facial massage if my face weren't always covered in painful acne. But I agree, Nichole Kidman's vibe is so chill. Especially considering everything she has been through. Such an amazing performer, watch anything she's in, and your fall in love. I recommend The Others, Practical Magic, and Eyes Wide Shut.

  4. To anyone who says she's takes spf thing to seriously — Scandinavia sucks on wearing Sunscreen and we are the Highest in the world on skin cancer. ( We are also very healthy and workout is a part of our culture).

  5. Wow about your curly hair girl. You know there are tons of people with curly kinky hair. Should they feel self conscious because there hair looks like pubic hair? It’s just weird that you said school made you feel this way. Your an adult. You’re not in school anymore. What’s the problem now.

  6. I just adore you Cassandra! You are freaking amazing and beautiful inside and out! I’ve learned so much from your channel and actually inspired me to take care of my skin. Xoxo

  7. You look great in curly hair! It’s very flattering! I have curly hair and cut it off. I love it. In humidity my curly hair frizzes. I live in San Francisco so the sea breeze, though I love the sea breeze, I don’t love it’s effect on my hair. I think a pixie would be gorgeous on u!

  8. Hetero-normatively sweet? Why not just sweet? I'm bi and I wouldn't want anyone to call my relationship homo-unnormatively sweet or whatever is the inverse of that. Why can't we just act like being straight and being gay is all normal and sweet and not distinguish it so much. I'm a woman and if I saw two gay men I'd simply think it's sweet. It wouldn't be a different kind of sweet in a different kind of category. Just because I'm not a man who's attracted to other men doesn't mean I need to distinguish that when calling it sweet. This sort of liberal language just separates people even more. Seriously can't it just be sweet and not bring in specially what genit*ls the person is attracted to into it?! I think it's kind of obvious she's into someone with x&y chromosomes and maybe we are wrong. Maybe she is bi or something so shouldn't we not assume???? What if he is trans or non binary? I thought liberals are all for not assuming things.

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