Afghanistan: How opium helped the Taliban takeover

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. But there is one sure-fire way to make money there – the drug trade.


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  1. It's been their no 1 way to make money for decades how come this wasn't discussed before fleeing maybe troops should have stayed just to curtail their access they will flood the world with this poison

  2. I would not doubt that the US props up many cartels, subversive organizations, and the Taliban with the drug trade. It's not only the street level users buying their product, it's governments taking advantage of liquid assets to sponsor back door shenanigans. Legalizing marijuana would make the world a better place.

  3. Taliban banned drugs production in previous takeover of Afghanistan .The fact is that ghani government and the allies of americans troops boosted the production during their era.

  4. Lol i remember 4 year ago watch news that afgan opium rise after us invasion.know they said it was taliban. Taliban fight bcz of this they see afgan ppl falling bcz opium adiction. The liberal and the opium destroy afgan ppl.thats why taliban rise their weapon and fight. Dont forget the goverment also corupted by the drug money

  5. The only reason why opium isn’t illegal is because uk lost the battle to gain rights over it so they banned it but keep it secretly to make opium….. people doing horrible crimes on each other because they take gods plant and have a opinion over it….. stupid human beings…… like Bob Marley said… take jag moon and jag sun and jag earth and erase your stooped thoughts now….. I think this world is ready for a new era..

  6. ah yes a group of proclaimed religious people selling something that is forbidden by their religion. Yes they are definetely not doing this for religion are they. They are just trying to grab power and make money, and their using religion to justify.

  7. So why did US/UK and even in the past Russia occupy Afghanistan, answer is: 1:59
    There are no heroes in this world, never was the occupation to help the innocent defeat evil, all that stuff is fairytale which is proven by the fact that the US/UK pulled out of Afghanistan fully knowing that it was going to collapse.

  8. This is incredibly sad. I feel so sorry for the people left behind to face the cruelties of the Taliban.I shudder to think about the fate that awaits women in that country! Being a woman in an Islamic country would be a nightmare! This action by our president I believe will be considered to be the greatest mistake of his term. This just encourages Islamic extremism and terrorism. I think we needed to remain a continual military presence there to keep the Taliban and terrorism at bay. This will be seen as a great victory for the Taliban and draw more people to their cause. I expect we will see a rise in terrorism as we have seen before in our country and western nations.

  9. Taliban are responsible for thousands of deaths in Afghanistan but US is responsible for millions of deaths around the globe so Taliban are local terrorist but USA is global terrorist

  10. Yes yes sky Mews Stop Being a Cat ! Telling lies about the Taliban when the USA / NATO Allies have been Using KARZAI and family to Loot the AFGHANS and cultivated the largest Drug production in history
    Now USA / NATO / UK MopHead Johnny is going to be Cold Turkey without any Afghanistan drug money

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