Fake Meat Industry Exposed: Vinnie Tortorich Discusses "Beyond Impossible" on Ask Dr. Drew

Vinnie Tortorich – celebrity fitness trainer & bestselling author of Fitness Confidential – joins Ask Dr. Drew to discuss his upcoming …


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  1. Don't believe the bullshit! You should buy this guy's books though. Lol. 🙄

    The Beyond meat industry is definitely about profit, but so is what these two douchebags are selling. Vinnie literally profits off the opposite of it.

    Also, what's arterial plaque buildup made out of again? 😂

    Unfortunately we didn't hear actual science refuting much of anything.

    Anyway, some fuck wits need to realize that beyond bullshit and real hamburgers are both bad for you, but one is worse for you.
    You don't hear many doctors tell you to eat less vegetables, nuts, whole grains and fruit do ya? Btw, any diet can make you lose weight if you stick to it.

  2. UC Davis & Melbourne Uni have found a red seaweed when fed as a supplement at 2% of a cows diet ELIMINATES methane by 85% So WHY are dems hell bent on bankrupting the protein industry? The Reconciliation Bill includes a Methane tax PER head $2500 /pig, $3400 per beef cows, $6500 per dairy cow. No farmer or rancher can afford that!

    We need to all by LOCAL! Buy direct from farmers & ranchers. Help them fight these despicable tactics.

    Second we need to find this red seaweed , grow it commercially and get it to red state farmers NOW before these bills destroy our food resources.

    Third send your teens & volunteer to work at farms & ranches. Help keep the labor costs down, learn about animal husbandry and more!

    Call your representatives and do not stop calling them. We need to pull that methane tax out immediately!

    Then follow the money. Gates has over 100 patents on all manner of fake meat, fake dairy etc.

    Loop up what Gates & Bezos did. Formed Breakthrough Energy. Teamed up with Andressen Horowitz & Equinor to form KOBOLD METALS. Contracted with BlurJay Mining to mine for precious metals in GREENLAND! Do not tell me that climate change, melting ice & pollution is suddenly NOT a thing for these elites.

    Then look up what they plan to feed us. When it is no longer possible to make a profit from their fake crap. They want to deed us
    BUG BURGERS, COCKROACH MILK. Then get you to buy into cannibalism. BITELABS.ORG & Ouroborois Steak.

    And vegans are not safe. Look up mRNA to lettuce initiative, genetically modified corn, again! To kill whatever eats it. They put this stuff in everything!

  3. I already loved Vinnie for what he says about NSNG, but I now love Dr. Drew for what he's saying, too, and agreeing with Vinnie. GREAT discussion! I'm honestly afraid this "impossible meat" stuff is going to start showing up as just "meat" and I'm going to end up eating it mistakenly or we're going to get Soylent Greened. Are we going to have an "Impossible Burger" effect like we did a "SnackWells effect" where the very thing we were eating to "eat healther" turns out to make us even more unhealthy?

  4. So the topic begins around 45 minutes in and absolutely no points are made or science revealed other than huge general statements. Come on guys you're just agreeing with each other talking in circles. Vinnie a suggestion next time is to make an outline and go through several points. Provide evidence for your statement to help the listener understand your point. Thumbs down on this episode. Most of this program has nothing to do with the fake meat industry.

  5. There is no murder and torture involved in fake meat production. There is in meat production. You can like fake meat or prefer the more veggie taste, but eating meat is evil. This "celebrity trainer" is a disgraceful person.

  6. Hang on….lets look up what arterial plaque is made up of CHOLESTEROL, FAT, calcium, fibrin, and intercellular wastes…seems a bit dishonest so far one 1/4 through

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