What Happens When You Quit Alcohol?

Today we are going to explain EXACTLY what happens to your brain and body when you try to quit alcohol! FOLLOW US!


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  1. Awesome video, informative, entertaining, factual and concise…not to mention I guessed you were fellow Torontonians within the first minute 😜! I'm doing Dry February and you had mentioned to send you some recommendations for future videos and so I thought a good one would be if you are looking to quit or cut down on your drinking either short term or indefinitely what are some good alternatives to alcohol. I've done some research myself but the options are limitless and not always fact based. I think something that would make the idea for some people to even attempt evaluating their relationship with alcohol and make the whole premise less scary would be a video of that nature and I think you could help a lot of people by doing it. Everything from alternatives that mimic the experience, to nutrients and vitamins that ease the experience of withdrawal and pharmaceuticals that one could discuss with their doctors if they are looking to make a change. The options are out there but because alcohol is so socially accepted and AUD seldom discussed until it becomes problematic people don't really know where to turn…so make a video and show them. All the best gentlemen and thank you for your solid contributions to both the science and social relativity on the topics you share…very well done and take care!

  2. Been over a month I don't sleep I'm angry I snap at everyone been more violent less productive and overall just want everything to end cause I can't find anything to help me relax at end of day from want to jump over counter and strangle customers and coworkers so for me I don't think it will be better cause now I'm vaping two 7.5 ml thanks of vape juice a day and drinking up to over a case of soda and twice as much junk food so in end I'm not really making a difference for my health

  3. I used to drink morning noon and night lost 3 jobs because eventually got caught drunk or being aggressive verbally iv woke up in hospital twice and had to detox twice in there iv been at the stage of relentless vomiting and no sleep relentless shakes no balance several times which has messed my teeth up I have lost most of the feeling in the flats of my feet and had siezures and minor strokes I have had every hallucination possible from voices, lights having convos with people that are not there including people I have never met things moving in my peripheral vision to physical ones people tapping on my shoulder that disappear when u turn around but u c them for a split second when u no they are coming and are ready your brain will find a way to scare the s**t out of you, I even thought I had an implant in my ear and someone was threatening me for two days, all of this sounds stupid and not real but your mind makes it real all in all of u drink to the point of never eating and then stop you will feel like death for days I have quit forever now it is not worth it when you get in that cycle believe me,

  4. Our 38 y/o daughter passed away from from liver disease. Alcohol Cirrhosis.
    She hid her alcoholism too well. We knew she drank, but never thought she had problems or saw her drunk.
    She Worked, never was arrested or anything like that. She didn’t have any children.
    She found out stage 4 liver disease in 2020 & didn’t tell us. In July 2021 she couldn’t hide her extreme weight loss. We lost her December 22, 2021

  5. Kratom helped me quit drinking.. Now I dont enjoy alchol.. Have bottles of liquor for my friend and family but have no desire to touch the stuff.

  6. January 6th was 1 year sober for me. I was drinking over a gallon of vodka per day and hallucinating during withdrawals. It sucks and I'm happy I'm no longer there.

  7. Alcohol caused our divorce. He didn't drink for 15 years then started again one day….he chose not to seek help. I tried. It was beyond terrible! Alcohol changed the kind wonderful man I married into someone I no longer recognized and became afraid of. God bless everyone fighting this fight!

  8. I have no idea why this was on my feed but a year ago This week I was seeing a sports doctor for my shoulder issues and he put me on some meds after some injections and said do not drink any alcohol with this medication or you could have some serious bleeding…. I've definitely put some things into my body and partied pretty hard when I was younger in my journey so this would be no problem not drinking for about a month next thing you know I'm going out with my friends and I'm off my medication my shoulders getting better and while they were drinking they would tease me cuz I'm drinking a diet Coke but I really didn't have the desire to drink vodka or beer. One month turned into two two turned into six and now it's a year later and everyone who is still drinking knows I could care less about it. though I did not plan on quitting, I definitely stopped feeling totally crappy the next day so to speak even if it was only a couple drinks. I also used to never sleep well and though it's some days are difficult I definitely sleep much better now. Anyway good luck to anyone who's trying to stop, Just replace that addiction/habit with something different and try to go sweat it out at the gym too. Peace

  9. I love alcohol, but I've always been able to say no. Throw weed in my face and that is my bad addiction. My dream of being a commercial diver? On hold for four years because of a dependency on weed. Where I could've done it at 24, im only starting now at 27, almost 28. Life is a tricky thing.

  10. Don't know if I agree with the dismissal of the word 'alcoholic". The same stigma that we run from can be very useful in sobering us up. Plus, simple language that is already recognized trumps language that is clumsy and unfamiliar. Does anyone know what COPD stands for?

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