RAAF aircrafts fly LOW over Brisbane CBD

Incredible footage of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) military aircrafts appearing to weave between skyscrapers in Brisbane …


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  1. They did the same up here with their plane flew so low it felt like it was going to hit. WTF!! and then took dive up steep it was really scary to experience. Didn't look like no show to me who ever was flying that plane did that on purpose!

  2. Each year in September, Brisbane Festival is concluded by Riverfire, a fireworks spectacular which ignites the city. As part of the display, the Royal Australian Air Force flies military aircraft at very low altitudes in the CBD. This year, the No. 36 Squadron, based at Amberley, will fly a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III down the Brisbane River at 300 feet. Watch on to see how the RAAF rehearses for this event!

  3. It's just Riverfire, the end of the Brisbane Festival, with fireworks and displays from the ADF. The only reason to get excited is because it's pretty awesome. Calm down everyone and enjoy

  4. Air show or practise run for possible law enforcement duties, or more likely both? Eerily similar to start of "Olympus has Fallen". Some US people also had 9/11 flashbacks. Watch government like a hawk, mainstream media and Parliament are not.

  5. Reminiscent of the time when the nazis invaded unsuspecting Holland in their nice crisp uniforms ,clean shaven and shinny tanks . The Dutch stood there in awe and waved at them in admiration as they past them on the streets – the rest is history .

  6. These are the blokes that are supposed to protect the Australian public gearing up to round us up and put us in concentration camps = quarantine facilities or just fkn shoot us on orders from the pharmaceutical corporation that now runs Australia

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