Should You Get A Colonoscopy: Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines

Guest physician Dr. Naveen Arya is a gastroenterologist. He discusses colon cancer. He reviews the risks and the different …


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  1. Thanks again for your input guys. In Australia I had a symptom free colonoscopy because my Mum had bowel cancer. I was perforated and had abscess after abscess. Seton drains and God knows what else. A surgeon in Sydney reconstructed me after several procedures. He was and remains my hero. I didn’t need the initial colonoscopy and was basically looking for something that wasn’t there. I was ‘lucky’

  2. It looks like no one has asked this.. I have read articles warning about the equipment that is used in a colonoscopy, as in whose back door was it inserted into before mine.. (ugh). This is from Web Med.: "Colonoscopy tools can be hard to clean and disinfect. Rarely, they may carry bacteria such as E. coli, Klebsiella, or Enterobacter, or viruses like hepatitis B or C."
    Apparently disposable, one-use tubing is available. I wonder if the doc would use that if a patient agreed to pay for it themselves.

  3. In the next 20 years when tech gets better and colonoscopies are a thing of the past, replaced by better imaging and colonoscopy pills that take photos of your digestive track which we currently have… People will look back on colonospcies and think "Wow, Grandpa… You where fucked my a bendable camera. That sounds painful?"
    And Grandpa will reply:"No Billy, we had fentanyl and midazolam, propofol, diphenhydramine, promethazine, meperidine and Valium… The worst part was the night before, the prep".

  4. My reason for NEVER having ANOTHER colonoscopy: it was my 3rd one, and the prep for this one was absolutely, positively horrible. Then I woke up during the procedure (uh-oh) and started talking to the doctor and the nurses. And yes, I remember everything. It's very uncomfortable having a scope with a camera stuck up your backside. When the nurses told the doctor I was awake, the doctor just commented that he was almost done. He had to remove a tubular adenoma, so the procedure took a little bit longer than usual. My VA doctor wants me to send in the specimens, but nope, I'm not doing that either because if something was found, I'd still have to go through the prep. Inasmuch as I've had 3 of these procedures done and even though I woke up during the last one, I can truthfully say that the worst part of a colonoscopy is the prep . Until there can be a different way to cleanse your bowel system, I'm opting out completely. This is an informative video that is specific, and the docs gave very accurate information.

  5. Have heard of my mother's friends die after going for a simple colonoscopy. There is an upper colon and lower colon, I am told. One is less invasive, aggressive than the other. One pin prick puncture into the colon tubing and it's game over. sorry. That's what I've heard.

  6. Thank you for highlighting the need for screening. Based in UK & I’m 53 years old. Had first colonoscopy 8 years ago with minimal sedation. Watched on screen the whole time & was amazing. Always remember consultant saying I got the prize for cleanest colon of the day! Gave me a laugh. Awaiting date for next one in the next few weeks. To those worrying, it’s not a bad procedure & really nothing to worry about. As others have said the prep is something. Follow the instructions & be surprised how much is in there!

  7. Just completed my 3rd colonoscopy. There's nothing to it. The worst part is the super laxative. If possible, avoid SuPrep. It's vile-tasting stuff and it costs $111. Golightly (as in 'Holly Golightly') is far easier to tolerate.

  8. On my last colonostomy the dumb SOB put me in a coma for 7 days, and everyone thought I was going to die. I went several days before I got stomach pain, then started throwing up. They rushed me to the emergency room, and I woke up 7 days later with tubes down my throat, and bags of anti biotics hanging over my head. I had severe septic shock. I spent another two weeks in Intensive care. No more for me ,Thanks

  9. I've had two, plus a CT scan, happily got the all clear. I had sedation including a top-up the first time, and gas & air the second.

    I didn't realise the sedation is much lighter than for an ERCP (had 2 of those as well!) and I was very aware of everything going on.

    For me the gas & air was more effective – a few deep breaths and any pain dissolved, plus I could drive myself there & back. And I got a wonderful fit of giggles at one point!

    Watching the ScopeGuide was interesting, as well as watching what was on the surrounding screen. More so the 2nd time when I worse my distance glasses rather than my computer glasses.

    EDIT: I agree absolutely with everyone saying the prep is the worst bit. I was given Movicol, the taste is disgusting, and I didn't manage to drink the entire volume either time. However the prep was apparently good the second time round. The prep for the CT scan was aniseed flavour, less of it, and much less unpleasant.

    MORE EDIT: Also the way it's handled meant I didn't feel uncomfortable with what was going on, but there again compared to a smear test there is no exposure….

  10. Hi Docs, I was never interested in medical stuff till I got uterine cancer a couple of years ago. Glad I found your show. You make me happy. I had my first colonoscopy after a positive Fit test recently. One precancerous polyp and some chronic radiation injury. Glad I did it. Knowledge is good. Take care. Judy.

  11. I have had 2 colonoscopies – the first one at age 50, and they found 3 polyps. At age 53, there were no polyps. I go back at age 58. I DO NOT get sedation – I don't know why people even need sedation for the procedure. The worst part is afterwards when I become quite nauseous and have "dry heaves." Then I am fine. I prefer a colonoscopy to any dental procedure (even cleaning).

  12. Thanks for this. Have only done one colonoscopy so far. Followed prep procedure, but prep could have been better (voluntarily did without sedation, so saw/remember entire video and Gastro Doc washing away some crap). Have since learned I’m a CF carrier, which attenuates the laxative purge response. For my next colonoscopy, is there a more rigorous prep recommended for CF carriers I should ask for? Gastro Doc found one flat polyp near rectum, and pathology report said this type of polyp never progresses to cancer. So I'm good for a while.

  13. I've been getting yearly colonoscopies since I was 28 and I'm 54 now. I have Lynch Syndrome and it puts me at a high risk. I've lost my mother 60, Younger brother 28, and older brother 21 (1985) all to Colon Cancer. Here we only get sedation and I have a tremendous amount of pain during the scope. However, it's the reason I'm able to type this comment today. Please get one done when you are eligible.

  14. Thank you so so much for this video on the colonoscopy. am in the process of scheduling one and am a little nervous but as you said the procedure before is the one I hear is not so much fun… Fascinating.

  15. And 2008 I went 4 my first colonoscopy no cancer went. back in 10 years I had cancer in my colon doctor said he wanted to see me in 3 years instead of 10 do another colonoscopy no cancer so we wait now another five years to have a colonoscopy. I highly recommend everyone get a colonoscopy. You never no when cancer will. Pop up

  16. I've had 4 failed colonoscopies in the past few months due to being unable to clean out my bowel even though I've had extended/harsher preps, nothing has worked. I was then sent for a barium enema x ray which showed a very long bowel and multiple loops. The doctor who did it said it was the most difficult one he had ever done in 30 years of doing this type of x ray. He also said the length and loops were also the reason that a successful colonoscopy has not been possible. I'm not sure what will happen next, i see the surgeon this week. I'm still hoping for a successful colonoscopy to be done as I have already had breast cancer and I know of some of my BC pals also go on to have bowel cancer Really enjoyed your video and I subscribed. What's the segmoid part of the colon?

  17. A very good video, but it should mention risk factors. My bowel was perforated while having a polyp removed a month ago. I have read that that is a possibility in 5% of cases. You would know better what the risk factor is. Bacteria leaked out of my bowel, and I came close to death. Hospital stabilized me, and I did 3 weeks of liquid diet. They said 50% chance it would leak again, and they would have to do a bowel resection….same surgery that you have for bowel cancer. I got lucky, and the perforation healed itself. Even though I have a big family history, I don’t think I should ever have another colonoscopy? I’m 67, and had a couple of non cancerous polyps removed.

  18. I had 2 of them myself and both were a breeze. Both all clear….With in 10 seconds of having the prop injected to put me to sleep i thought i was asleep for 3 minutes when they said wake up, all done ..The gastro doctor said she has so many people that refuse it at all costs. Which i cant understand… its a tool to save your life as well as its literally nothing. Just make sure you are home for the evening during the prep.

  19. There is another option, which is common in Europe: sigmoidoscopy. Lots of countries mainly do them, because there is more patient compliance and because they say that most cancers are in the sigmoid colon.

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