Peter Attia on The Best Exercises for Longevity

Taken from JRE #1737 w/Peter Attia:


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  1. My grand-dad is 97, walks 2 miles daily. Tends to his garden, do all sort of activities. Eats (healthy whole foods) just twice daily nearly caloric deficit.

  2. I’m out about 2 hours for 3 or 4 days a week..l use weight machines, a few free weights ..I do cardio on a bike, run on a track with jogging and add a few hard 50 yard sprints at the end of jogging..I also shoot some baskets after a workout to have some and practice golf during the warm season…
    I’ve been an athlete since I was a kid..played football and learned weight training back’s not a chore it’s a good habit..I’m not a perfect human but I agree that exercise is as important as good nutrition..
    Feeling good and being able to move freely and easily is the big payoff!
    I feel good most of the time..recovery time is also key…I’m not Superman at 67…got a 30 inch waist with a 5’11” athletic build…145pounds.

  3. I’m A 52-year-old male that has mostly been active throughout my life. Participated in sports, worked out at the gym… My VO2 Max was around 37 until I got vaccinated in May. I use my Apple Watch to chart my numbers and you can see a big dip from around 37 to 31. I’ve been working out like crazy and edge I’ve been working out at the gym 3 to 4 times a week, doing sprints on a stationary bike and the elliptical machine. My numbers still aren’t returning to above average.

  4. Come on Rogan, I expected you to be more challenging with this guy than this. There are a lot of people that don’t exercise that live past 100. Ask this guy if he’s ever heard of Sardinia Italy. Does he even know what a blue zone is? Has he ever visited one? Everybody knows somebody that run themselves to death literally. Hell, the long term Harvard study pointed to social connections as the key to longevity. Also the trick to dead hanging is simply to overlap the fingers. Anybody that knows the trick will do better. You gotta challenge these people Rogan.

  5. Big pharma will not appreciate this clip… They want u fat, and in bad health, now you're a returning customer… Surprising YouTube hasn't taken this one down yet.. Clowns

  6. Because this is such a guy show he (the doctor) doesn't mention dance as a cardio activity. I take a non stop 1 hour dance class 3 to 4 times a week. This cardio dance class that macho guys hardly ever come out to, because theure afraid of the stigma.
    Only three guys have stepped into this class and were pouring sweat by the hours end.
    If you all stopped thinking dance was a feminine interest you may actually seek it out as a fitness and longevity option. Just saying…don't get butt hurt.

  7. I'm a second class citizen in Canada, our authorities have barred the unvaccinated from gyms. That's all the proof you need that exercise is beneficial, there hasn't been one decision that is actually for the public good made in the last two years.

    Weird huh? It's like they're trying to kill us.

  8. The deeper and more intense your muscular work , (High Intensity Strength Training ) taking all sets to failure , the greater your improvement in cardiovascular efficiency. The heart and lungs support the working muscles not vise versa. The deeper more intense the muscular effort is in a limited number of sets to failure the greater the global metabolic conditioning is. Training to failure is when another rep is unable to be performed using proper form.Most folks train way to often , doing to many sets (volume ) and at an intensity level to low to facilitate an adaptive response by the body.

  9. Jack Lalanne was, literally, saying all of this stuff in the 1930's. He was recommending strength training when doctors and athletic coaches were telling people that lifting weights will ruin your joints, make you stiff, make you muscle bound, make you slow, etc.

  10. Fantastic.. Now reiterate for people that have jobs, a family and a home to take care of…
    I get to the gym 3 times a week for an hour and I'm walking EI have the time for that… This dude's talking like you're about to fight rocky

  11. Joe, I am a Spotify paying customer, while watching your Podcast over there I keep getting disruptive advertisements mid-dialog. WTF? The experience is completely ruined!

  12. Correlating geneticly gifted people who are the ones usually at the top 2.5% is simply that, a correlation. This needs references to studies to show that its not a simple correlation vs causation.

  13. I'm 52 and do p90x 5-6 times a week plus treadmill. I'd probably have a six pack but I drink too many six packs! Another reason to workout, other than longevity, is you shouldn't have any problem in the bedroom. Quantity & Quality.

  14. Fitness is who I am but sometimes I can't help but think how a wild rabbit is highly active and has a short life, yet a wild tortoise is minimally active and lives for over 100 years on average

  15. I wonder how to quantify the mindset effect versus the actual strength building or cardiovascular building? So I'm suggesting that people who rise to that level of fitness have also got an incredibly positive mindset. And if you study things like the biology of belief etc you begin to understand how powerful the mind is and conversely for those who don't exercise the negativity that they're conscious mind delivers their body has a arguably quantifiable effect. So a cool study would be assembling people who meditate and focus on positive things to see what that end result is.

  16. No onw will probably read this,. but hear me out..

    My uncle corin is from holland and his father was a really well known one of the best in the 70s at judo. My uncle is built like a brick shit house, i shit you not, amd he said he wasnt very rich groeing up, even with a famous fighter in judo from holland at the time, he had to improvise to make weights.

    He said a simple, broom stick, 2 buckets, and shoe laces waa all you need.

    drill hole in each end of the broom stink. tie laces in them and then to bucket on each end. Hold it out in front.of you, twist your hands and wind the broom stick so the laces go around the stick and pulls up the buckets. everu day, add 1 teaspoon of dirt, gravel , samd whatever… Jus 1 everyday.

    do it for as long as you can as many times as you can before you arms are too tired. Wait 20 minutes or so after and do it again. everydya add another teaspoon to each nucket. zby the time the buckets are full, you will wind them up as if they weighted nothing because you gradulally got used to the weight being added….. apparently this is really effective snd that gunt has arms like, bro , during dsiry fsrming in nz when he was here he would go in the yard and like push the cows around man. Hes built like a fckn bull man the head on the cunt like hes a strong fucker.

    iv troed this weight lifting method myself. and it does work. Well…….
    very well.
    but it also strenghtens alot like your intire arm, fore arm, shoulders. Even your back in some places and your abdomen area. Its a very cheap and very effective weight lifting trick

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