Just About Everybody Will Get Covid | Are Cannabis Users Protected?

Dr. Fauci predicts that Omicron will infect “just about everybody” in this country, but there are reasons to be hopeful because …


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  1. Occasionally, sometimes, you maybe are likely on occasion will be occasionally sometimes most likely, to get the original covid, and sometimes….. maybe, you might get the delta variant, which somehow, on occasion disappeared but may reappear at any given moment , from time to time, with a chance of reoccurrence or a chance you might cough have a fever, body aches, OR just a sore throat and a headache, which can be a combination of all five, four, three or at leat two. ……intermittently, occasionally…..and a 3 out of 5 chance you might sneeze……. every other week, sometimes ,,, Omicron you will likely get, and possibly, most likely on occasion,……..sometimes transmit with or without symptoms, sometimes.

    🤪at infrequent or irregular intervals….

  2. Everyone that pushed vaccines on the unvaccinated should be able to see though the bs they are lying to us they basically made the virus political and divide this country doing it . Before the hate in comments I was a good little sheep and got my vaccines so now I get to have Covid and wonder what the long term side effects are going to be with the rushed though vaccines

  3. I've been smoking weed daily since I was 11 yes old… I haven't suffered with any covid symptoms I did have covid before Xmas … An I am fine.. I got my vax last start of summer an I am doing great was exposed recently an fine…. Grateful for that

  4. England has lifted all mandates. Time for us to do the same. This mask shit has never worked and the vac mandate is ridiculous as vax people spread it just the same . Stop the mandates 2022! Let's go brandon!

  5. "France has already surrendered"
    Wow, 1.4million people in WW1 & 600k in WW2 French lives alone (your ancestors Stephen), let alone the millions of Germans & British service men who died in one of the worst human conflicts of all time, Never again!
    Sitting comfortably in your ivory tower making those sloppy gags… Go to Flanders.
    Open boarders to all sides, virtually impossible to defend. One of the most sophisticated military attacks in hand to hand combat. Lest we forget what they surrounded for our freedom! Lest we forget the price paid for our freedom.

  6. Propaganda spreading enemy of the common person. Fauci testified in front of congress that studies show a vaccinated person carries the same, if not more, viral load than an unvaccinated person. Yes this shill is going to sit here and sell you LITERAL snake oil that does you 0 good; saying unvaccinated are 10x more likely to be infected… BRO THE VIRUS IS SPREADING BECAUSE THEY ARE JABBING IT INTO EVERYONE WAKE THE FUCK UP OMG.

  7. Pretty Certain my family and i are recovering. So far 24 hours in and its nothing Motrin and coffee cant overcome. Spent almost 2 years in hiding to avoid something weaker then the common cold. Had pneumonia a few months back (non covid related)m and even with lung damage from that i'm fine. seems we all wasted our lives to save people old enough some believed in segregation.

  8. Once in college, while young and stupidly hungrily stupid, I ate a can of us army pork, that was from the Vietnam War. Keep in mind I graduated high school in 2003. The meat was fine…..a bit salty, but that is, in fact, why we can food. To eat it 40 years later

  9. In Futurama (TV Show) they had a joke about an ingredient needed for the professors medicine being found on the deadly planet Omicron Persei 8. Hermes, a stoner character doesn't want to endanger the lives of the crew for it. But when the professor calls it a powerful weed, Hermes grabs the medicine, smells it, and yells out "This stuffs the omicronic! To the ship!!!". I instantly thought of that scene when he said it. Now I have to go watch it again.

  10. Definition of critical race theory: it's ok for you to label vast groups of people you have never met before, ie, institutions, "racist", as long as they have a certain skin-colour.

  11. So what that means is that if you are vaccinated, you are 1/20 of 1/10 as likely to die from Covid-19 as those who are unvaccinated. Awesome for me, sucks to be them!!!

  12. Imagine a country, a system, in which the political opinions of the people are directly influenced by media corporations that the 1% fund and privately invest in.

    Oh wait. You're living in it. Stop agreeing with the masses because you're too afraid of being shunned and shamed. Be brave. Focus on what YOU truly believe, not what people TELL YOU you should believe.

    You are the future, and so am I. Together, we can expose the foundation of lies these criminals built.

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