Saturday Night Clive – The Solitude Stream

Originating during lockdown 2020, these streams are basically a gathering of technical people around the world at a virtual bar.


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  1. "…ends at 35 past the hour, it doesn't matter which hour…."

    Iran, India, Central Australia: "Am I a joke to you?"

    OK, Me'bee Central Australia and Central Western Australia be a joke… ;-D

  2. About the smoke. I was thinking, (early) humans have used fire for ~ 2 million years. Fire for cooking, fire for heat, fire for light, fire for safety, fire for the sake of fire, etc. So we've been sitting in smoke for 2 million years. That's plenty enough time to get some evolutionarily process going. Because people do have a tendency to inhale slightly irritating smoke or fumes. Like seasoning the air. Anyways always a pleasure Clive. Cheers.

  3. City and Guilds? About a decade ago here in Greece were advertising heavily for coursework in accounting and some technical fields. At the same time the networks were bombarding the advertising slots with adds from every Colege or tech/vocational hawking their schools to the poor kids who did not receive enough points in their entrance exams for the government run universities. A very corrupt system from grade one to twelve.

  4. Nice always look forward to it. Actually I listen early Sunday morning half asleep lol. I had a funny dream whilst listening to this live !! I dreamt I was at the city and guilds office (they do learning and development) and they were showcasing their courses in becoming an electrician to me and two others! I wonder what big clive was talking about haha

    The other dream I can't describe but something to do with 3D printing of unmentionable objects! This is what the mind plays with as big clive talks on 3D printing and only fans (in seperate conversations).. For the record I recall only fans was a discussion around stroking beards.

  5. That paragraph in the contract you mentioned where you aquire all of the faults upon signing is illegal in the USA. Real Esate in the USA has a mandatory inspection that the seller must have preformed by a professional who specializes in the type of property being sold. All faults must be documented on a disclosure sheet.
    BTW I am politically incorrect, it is known as the Wuhan Virus not that C19.
    Do those vase batteries have a protection board on that battery or is it missing to keep it cheap?

  6. Thx again for your advice. As an analogy, I have seen so many people fall by "the wayside". When you don't understand what what you don't know. I have watched programmers (not embeded) fall because when they come across a java module which is "reflelcting" and have no idea what they are looking at. If you don't know what you're looking at, then what chance do you have???

  7. Here's a modified version of the Battery holder with the bottom hollowed out, to allow stacking:

    //Customisable battery tray
    //You can adjust these variables.
    width=4; //number of horizontal cups
    height=4; //number of vertical cups
    depth=10; //internal depth of cups
    stack_depth=4; // depth on the bottom for stacking the trays
    diameter=15; //diameter of cell/cylinder
    thickness=1; //thickness of wall
    base=1; //thickness of cup bases
    //don't adjust stuff below here
    //main cylinders
    for (x=[0:columns]){
    for (y=[0:rows]){
    //hollow inner
    for (x=[0:columns]){
    for (y=[0:rows]){
    translate([x*dia,y*dia,base + stack_depth])
    //hollow inner – lower part, for stacking
    for (x=[0:columns]){
    for (y=[0:rows]){

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