YOU won’t believe the transformation captured in this exclusive video. Watch as this MATTED MALTIPOO gets AMAZING …


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  1. Porque lo ponen en una jaula? Ellos tienen k ser libres, no estoy de acuerdo con la estética para perros le quitan su estilo natural, ellos no nececitan champoo ni perfume spray, le hacen daño a su PH NATURAL, cepillarlos bien desde la cabeza hasta la espalda y después los extremos, de ahí, después peinarlo para que su pelaje quede bello y por último con una tela de gamuza o terciopelo darle un masaje de la cabeza hasta la espalda de manera delicada y luego los extremos queda con un brillo maravilloso y natural sin malograr su PH y olor NATURAL, nada de estética para los PERRITOS por favor de ahi es donde vienen las alergias u otras molestias, quieran a sus perros no al abuso de la estética es hacerles daño

  2. could you do a video grooming a samoyed if possible? i have been watching grooming videos for months preparing to start grooming our samoyed at home!

    i have been binge watching your videos and your channel has helped IMMENSELY! thank you for making these videos. you are amazing at what you do! 🙂

  3. Not all dogs are supposed to look like bedlington terriers, that's why we have different breeds. I'm sure the owner was glad to have all the mats removed, but that's the only good thing about this cut. You need to learn to do the proper cut that is consistent with the breed. This was a real hack!

  4. Loving compassionate care for a sweet puppy in need of a hair cut. Simple thing, a hair cut…. that beautiful custom hand scissor makeover was not simple at all. It was perfect. ✂️ 😍 🐾
    Thanks for sharing ladies!

  5. Hi! I LOVE this! This is so great to see you follow a master groomer – I've never seen this cut before, how amazing ! I found your channel (liked and subscribed to you) by watching your grooming brushes vid and just watched your comb attatchment video this morning. I have to get your Saphire shears set when i'm able to. You're amazing! Introvert mom (I used to be a hairstylist for 17 yrs) of 4 sons (2 autistic) loving the youtube community learning from others (using calm dog therapy music to help pups/humans) God Bless!

  6. Loved this video. She (the pup) was loving the pampering. Love Suzanne and her channel too. Such a great Job on that cute what a transformation! Thanks for sharing. O00H so close to 100,000 Can't wait!!

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