50:50 THC To CBD Joint
I’m so surprised how well this 50:50 THC to CBD joint burned. It tasted amazing and I’m will definitely do this more often! USE LINK IN THE PINNED COMMENT …
Hosted by Danya Dixon, O’Cannabiz Presented by Lucas McCann With the growing interest in the use of psychedelics for mental … source
Allison Justice, PhD, is Co-owner and manages operations at The Hemp Mine, a 40-acre hemp farm that manufactures … source
31 days of autoflowers baby join the official Cannabis Society Discord Special thanks to: … source
Can hemp prevent or even help our body to fight off Covid? Covid continues to pose a threat to everyone but especially people … source
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I need to try this cheers for the idea dude
I've been looking at the goods cbd smoking mix's! Glad you've done this review! Did delivery take long as it says its shipped from Italy??
I've always wanted to try that one, shame we never got any close ups of the goods herb mix