California Energy Company PG&E Charged With Manslaughter In Zogg Wildfire

Via America’s Lawyer: PG&E is charged with 11 felonies including manslaughter over the 2020 Zogg wildfire which killed 4 …


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  1. Thank you for doing a story on this. Gov. Newsom made a sweet heart deal with PG&E after getting hundred thousand dollar donations from them and now they are allowed to keep doing this and also to pass on the cost of their mismanagement to their customers. Their CEOs kept their multi million dollar bonuses while PG&E claimed bankruptcy. Please investigate this further as all of this has been hushed up and nothing is being done to protect us customers from this.

  2. To quote a notable Texan activist, I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one.

    California doesn't have the death penalty, but surely, life in prison for the corporation will work right? Is a person like any other, right?

  3. California is a beautiful state but it is so fragile and prone to disasters.  They sure don't need stupid corporate entities coming in and adding to their pain.  I have been there several times.  I'm not a fan of the large cities, at least not for long……but so much of this more rural area is beautiful.  Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Yosemite.  Horrible tragedy and senseless loss of life. Its bad enough the entire state is either experiencing drought, fires or mudslides.  PG&E has been on the hook for their negligence before.  Time to throw the book at them.  Oh boy….the damn earthquakes.  Its been awhile since the last disastrous one I forgot to list the damn earthquakes!  My favorite state is either Utah or Colorado but Cali is right in there too and my beautiful Western part of the country has had soooo much destruction lately!  CLIMATE CHANGE you greedy overpaid politicians.  DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  4. Please let them charge Dupont next, for poisoning people. I honestly don't know what they fuck is wrong with corporations that they think it's okay to kill people, like how can you earn money if we're all dead. Are all these corporations run by lizards or something? Maybe if we're lucky you can charge the Sacklers, they've killed more than PG&E for sure.

  5. Also start jailing people for what their companies do the the water and air and environment. Knowingly polluting rivers that people then drink? Murder not a fine.

  6. I lived in Northern California from 2014 to 2020. During my time there I had to leave my home multiple times due to wildfires. I currently live in Southern California. However I am not completely safe here either last year I couldn’t leave my house for a few days because of all the smoke outside.

  7. Long past time to seize the for-profit electric companies and turn them into public utilities, like they should have been all along. The California fires, the Texas grid collapse, and the loss of electricity in Louisiana during Ida were all the responsibility of for-profit electric companies that refused to do the right thing.

  8. The messed up part is they'll charge customers for their f**k up when they pay it. PG&E should be responsible for their own mistakes and failures and should be in prison for their crimes.

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