Why Is Marijuana Illegal? The Story of Cannabis Prohibition | Harry J Anslinger, Nixon & Race

Why Is Marijuana Illegal? The Story of Cannabis Prohibition in 20 Minutes Miggy & Tom detail the history behind cannabis …


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  1. Just because you refuse to buy Mexican Cartel Cannabis does not make you a racist. Also, Mexicans are a part of the Hispanic race and are considered a nationality. So actually, Cannabis was made illegal due to nationalism. At that time, nationalists were considered to be patriotic. However, we are trying to end prohibition so we say, "racism" because it sounds bad so let's legalize cannabis. YEAH!

  2. They used to sell Bayer heroine in the sears and roebucks catalogues and it would also come with two needles a syringes and two vials of Bayer heroine all in a handsome carrying case for $1.50 in the 1900’s the heroine was used as an alternative to help soldiers get off the morphine.

  3. well his name is harry and the last name does have ass in it you can figure out why he was probally bulllied and needed a job to exert power and control. harry ass lol

  4. Hey Tom and Miggy. Tom, I'm just a regular "joe" with no intentions of opening a cannabis business, but, if I was considering it, I'd definitely give you a call. Your knowledge depth is impressive. Thanks for the vids. Please keep them coming. Looking forward to the day we can all look back on this political nonsense and laugh as we're firing up another bowl, LEGALLY Everywhere!!!

  5. I guess black people really dont exist to you people. "Jazz musician" smh anything not say black people. And these are supposed to be the good guys. Oy vey.

  6. Adult use will never be legal in states like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina until cannabis is removed from the Controlled Substance Act. The dictators running these states will not consider it before that happens.

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