MS Tremors | How I deal with this Multiple Sclerosis symptom

Hi guys! Today I want to tell you about a multiple sclerosis symptom and how I deal with it: tremors. It’s a very common MS …


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  1. I am also going through diagnosis procedure one doctor is saying you have MS after MRI inspection other one is saying we can't confirm on 1st attack as i suffered from optic neuritis few days ago . I have bladder issue also these days. Doctor is asking about spinal fluid test also. After confirmation they will decide for ocrevus infusion. I am very nervous 😓 .

  2. Going through the process of getting diagnosed… Not sure if it's Lupus or Ms at this point… My vitamin d and B12 dropped all of a sudden during a flareup, has anyone ever experienced a drop in B12? I'm on the 6th shot of B12 and it seems to be taking the edge off but I'm starting to have problems with my balance, pain and fatigue again.

  3. Almost 2.5 years with ms, I've been watching you since my diagnosis, literally the first video I watched from you I was in the hospital getting diagnosed. Thank you, not for showing me ms as a disease, but that there's life after it, something many if not most of us are scared about in the beginning. There can be light ❤️

  4. As usually, from all my heart thank you very much, from all my heart and soul. Your support in these video's is very important, very necessary and wait for all your next video with very big joy. My best wishes and the first is good health, and after, love, success and all that you wish to yourself. Thank you, Dear Sebastian.

  5. Hi Seb, do you have any suggestions for someone who has never been on cbd oil? I don't know where to even start in looking at cbd products! Thanks 😊

  6. My neuro is stuck between a blizzard case of migraine; hemiplegic migraine or multiple sclerosis ( currently treating migraines first ). Oh, do I get those tremors and shakes uncontrollably like today. My lower body is always tight, no matter what I do and looks like I'm walking while I'm at rest. Exercise is quite difficult since my legs are already tight then I tend to experience cramps within the same day or immediate uncontrollable tremors like today for 30 mins~.

    I get all the symptoms of hemiplegic migraine and MS with no lesions. I had chronic migraines for my entire life and experienced a disease that affects neurological problems over the long term when I was a baby.

    The symptoms are quite terrible but I have medicine to manage pain, extreme tiredness/weakness ( esp. getting off the bed ), cog fog and acid reflux. So, it's okay most of the days except the mood swings, where I feel not normal like everyone else/existential crisis.

  7. Do you feel yourself shake on the inside….your nervous system. I come and go with what you can see on the outside, but feeling the shake on the inside is creepy as hell and you can’t explain it. Thanks for being candid; it is a lonely journey. Flares can be devastating.

  8. Whoah, for me, my ms symptoms are mostly worse in heat, and my tremors are mostly in the legs, I know whenever I get frightened my entire body even hands, shake just like urs in the video

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