Proven Supplements to Increase Testosterone Ft. Andrew Huberman

Dr. Andrew Huberman is an award-winning professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University, as well as the founder of the Huberman Lab.


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  1. If you raise your test with natural supplements and gain contractile tissue over let’s say a month or two when you remove those supplements would you lose those gains like if you were to come off TRT?

  2. Tight clothing can also mess with your blood flow which may make you think yours is low. Masturbating/porn will lower testosterone too. Soda’s and fried foods will reduce your testosterone too. Sleeping is important and exercise.

  3. This may sound crazy but I find that being super productive for the first few hours of weekend mornings (5 min gratitude journal, taking out garbage, recyclables, laundry, jog, practice piano) gives me great vitality through the next day and even makes music sound inspiring like it did in my twenties. I’m curious who else feels this way. Honestly, it could be the recent motivation to make a change after the two week winter funk.

  4. I took Fadogia and Tongkat (and other things mentioned) for about 10 weeks. No visible changes, no changes in the amount of weight lifted and my Free Testosterone plummeted.

  5. why does the normal range on my free test results say 9.10 -32.2 pg/ml ? I got 15 so I am in the low to mid but this range would translate to 0.91 – 3.22 ng/dL which is the units Andrew mentions and not near the 10-15 ng/dL he mentions as typical

    the total testosterone range on my test is the typical 250-900 ng/dL and I have 800. but I have no idea why the free test range differs so much from what the guys discuss

  6. "Consult your doctor to find out if this rare herb (that he's never heard of because he knows next to nothing about nutrition) is right for you"

  7. He’s full of it. I used both for 2 months and levels went down. He hated on TRT while on Joe Rogan, but now he’s on it within a couple of months of hating. What a joke.

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