Hemp Concrete Can Help Buildings Capture CO2

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  1. Hi Graham!! I hope u r doing well and hope that you see this.

    Can we talk about the price of food over the last year in particular? And winter heating, which is supposed to be extra costly, gasoline, services, and goods in general? It just gets harder and harder for so many people. The gap keeps getting wider and wider.

  2. Graham is obviously no engineer. This is snake oil construction. Bio-construction is a really bad idea. It is as bad as Bio-fuels.
    Look into RASTRA block for some real green construction technology.

  3. Highest BTU's per acre.
    Can be turned into almost all things plastic makes.
    Food, clothes, building materials, fuel.
    A thousand uses.
    Used to be a law you had to set aside acreage to grow hemp for the government.

  4. This is profound and important. I have an important caveat:

    Hemp SHOULD be WAY cheaper, but years ago we stopped making the large machinery that does the decortication. The absence of those machines means that hemp is much costlier than it should be. Plus there are no subsidies or low interest loans farmers can take out to make those large capital investments. Hemp is and always has been the future. 🌲✌🏽

  5. Henry Ford built an entire automobile from hemp. Motor, chassis, fuel, lubricant & the whole 9 yards RENEWABLE. The last time I checked the sales vid of him beating on the fender with a sledgehammer without even denting it could be still found online.

  6. Hempcrete improvement values are negligible. Hempcrete has very little improvement as an insulator and a strength decrease for both tensile and compressive strengths.
    Hemp as a batt insulation to replace fiberglass is drastic improvement. It has better R values than fiberglass and won't give you cancer or rip your lungs up. But that still isn't made in the US. Last I checked it was available in northern Canada and Great Britain.

  7. These don't have shear capacity in seismic or high wind areas. I've designed with these and ended up needing more material like steel columns and beams. These aren't as good as advertised. Mass timber is a better solution.

  8. Thanks this id hard to do because buildings need financing and the 1% do not want to spend on carbon capture. We would have to raise our own money thru land trusts. I am a former architecture drafter and can vouch the building industry cannot change without political action. Id love to talk to you about it if you ever have time.

  9. Legalizing Hemp can help with climate change in a LOT of ways. It would also help with a lot of other problems.
    edit –
    "Just say No!" is more than Advice;
    Only the strongest Laws can Suffice.
    But Hemp helps Ecologically,
    Cannabis helps Medicinally;
    But they say getting High is a Vice!

  10. Best show ever Solutions are simple math . Removing c02 can happen 10% of any desert on earth grow anything Hemp hay Build trench run water drive herds of cattle & Sheep Poop Up Ground Drop more seed = Removing all C02 from 1700 till now.

  11. Well documented fact Hemp homes are Co2 negative and get better over time if properly installed and used…. It has. R rating of 10 per inch and it doesn’t start on fire either…. I’m building my little house 9X16 next year out of hemp n boards…. I live in N MN nest to a state park…. it gets cold here and Hemp is the best insulation….

  12. Hemp is honestly a miracle plant, it sequesters more carbon than 5 fully grown trees and takes .3% as long to mature, it aerates the soil meaning it can actually rehabilitate previously exhausted soil, and on top of that it has over 50,000 uses it seems like every time a hemp alternative comes out it kicks the ass of whatever it’s competition is in every conceivable metric

  13. It's crazy I'm in the hemp business and seeing these stores from the outside could almost make you think it was some sort of snake oil product because of all the amazing things that it can do

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