Tea with Master Qi Gong Teacher Lee Holden – November 23rd, 2021 Replay

Join Qi Gong teacher Lee Holden and Holden QiGong co-founder Ben Cox for tea. Lee will guide you through a short meditation and then answer questions …


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  1. I breath through my nose all day unless eating or talking ! I’ve asked my granddaughter whose on Nordic ski team if she practices that during her races. She said she has to breath through her mouth. Wonder if her coach has studied the breath techniques.

  2. it would be so great to have questions with time signals for the reply so I can go staight to the question that is relevant to me. Thank you! I can't find the question about adhd and autism. My son also has these.

  3. Hello
    I would like to thank you for helping me with my sleep problems! I am so thankful that I know this now! I think it would be great if you did more of these kinds of podcasts with many other individuals that could popularize this idea even more. Like Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson and so on. Again thank you so much!

    Your sincere
    Random stranger on the internet πŸ™‚

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