What We Put Into Our Bodies – From The Perch

What We Put Into Our Bodies – From The Perch.


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  1. I laughed out loud when you talked about giving up gum because it's sin. That was a message for me. I need prayer desperately. I am severely underweight and only eat salad and chew gum. I'm struggling in the worst of ways. Thank you so much for this message!

  2. Pastor, thank you for this message. Could I also ask you to please consider and speak on another thing we are putting in our bodies via a syringe, much touted "cure" for all sorts of diseases by the medical profession. But is it godly or does God want us to allow these things in our bodies and our childrens bodies?
    Please , I would love for you to watch a video by Odd TV called Pharmakeia. It describes the origins of these injections. They most definitely have a spiritual root. Including the word vack seen. The root word is "vacca" and it means cow. Is this Baal worship? Thank you for your consideration!

  3. Glad that you are feeling better. Thank you for this timely message. The procrastinator roommate Jolt example brought back memories. Blessings to you today Dana.

  4. God dealt with me about this .. he told me it was time to give up coffee 3 weeks ago because I was convicted about how caffeine makes me act… it's so great how God works.. honestly he has told me to quit several times.. and I have but kept going back

  5. About 20 years ago, I felt the Lord leading me to quit smoking. I was smoking a pack and a half a day and had smoked for about 20 years. I threw them out and God made it EASY. No withdrawals at all and never needed another. Every other time I tried in my OWN strength was a failure. God is good!

  6. My BFF started taking a prescription for her Essential Tremors, and it really helped her. Fast forward three years later and she now is struggling with kidney stones AND osteoporosis – BOTH a result of taking that drug! It’s just sad….

  7. Addictions are real. But why aren't you focusing on God's dietary laws. By not going there first when you made this presentation is a real disappointment. As a pastor who went to bible college that should have been the foundation of this message, Instead you commiserated about the high price of bacon! I am close to not listening to you.
    If you want to make a message on addictions, name it. I just heard you say the word is very clear. You are cherry picking the word. Such a sad example you are in this regard.

  8. Pastor Dana, you’re coming against a stronghold in America for sure. Unsurprisingly alcohol sales is one of the few industries that grew in 2020, while most small businesses were shut down. A time will come soon where people will trade things you would never imagine to satisfy their addictions. And reading the headlines you know that an alcohol shortage has already begun, and shipping issues will make everything hard to find anyway.
    It is a very good time NOT to be dependent on any substance, but completely dependent on The Lord and his Holy Spirit!

  9. Wow! I needed to hear this God inspired message. I am 80 years YOUNG 👵🏻😃.. I lived on hamburgers and mostly junk food for so long that my body is fat and flabby and I fight off depression, because I was “so cute” until the last 20 years. I take a lot of pills for RA, Fibromyalgia, because of the pain. I have been convicted of taking so many and I am going to start praying about getting off of some of them. Like the man that didn’t take the pill before service….that’s me. I love all your messages and the dreams. I wish I lived closer to your church. I grew up in Central City, Ky. I live in Cocoa, Fl. now. Love 💕 and blessings to you and your family. Oh, I thought you were 6’4” just seeing your head on the internet. My Dad was an alcoholic too and it is a terrible thing to grow up in that kind of environment….if God was not everything to me, I would be an alcoholic too.♥️💜💕

  10. I'm a new listener . I really, really need prayer. Lose my job the end of this month. I'm a widow so don't have support like I used to. I really need you Lord.

  11. Thank you Pastor Dana for the
    truth of God being Told!I have had
    the HolySpirit talk to me about my
    diet..Wonderful Lord thank you
    Jesus for answered prayer and all your help..you are the assurance that we can do all things
    through you❣love and prayers through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..me and our..Beautiful Jesus
    Lord and King❤

  12. I agree that's is personal, and between the individual and God. A decade ago as my husband was saying a blessing over our food (something with bacon). And it was immediately put in his spirit, clear as day, "don't ask me to bless something that is unclean". He gets words here and there during prayer. It was something personal for him I guess. While he was not asked to abstain, he did. And in support of that, I never had bacon since …just in case it's about obedience and being faithful. But I don't tell others not to have.

  13. I’m so addicted to coke and Pepsi. I can give up anything, but giving up coke or Pepsi is so difficult. I’ve tried so many times to quit. I quit smoking years ago, but this, is worse.

  14. It's most important! Just now able to watch. The Holy spirit has convicted me few days ago. Pepsi, what I'm eating. The body is being washed right now. God wants us spotless. Amen

  15. This is all so very true! I had a good friend who used to drink Diet Coke for breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Basically drank it all day long. I started to do some research one day and found out the artificial sweetners used in Diet Coke are very very BAD for us!

  16. God already told us what to eat, and what not to eat, in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. I don't think He has changed His mind. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He may lead a person individually, but He doesn't lead them outside of His Own guidelines. The only modifications for an individual will be within those guidelines.

  17. Over the decades, something that has repeatedly bothered me is the Sin of Gluttony within "the church" (no denomination in particular) Condemning others for drinking wine or anything else, condemning others for this and that, while they gorge themselves on all manner of unhealthy, fattening "foods". They eat (I'm just describing what I have witnessed personally) 2, or even 3 plates FULL of the fattening casseroles while others around the table slowly worked through their 1 Plate of very small portions of some of the fattening casseroles, and mostly healthy raw vegetables. People put on sooo much UNHEALTHY FAT on their bodies through their sin of gluttony. That is NOT taking proper care of their Temple of God's Holy Spirit, nor is it a proper witness to others. And those people have no right to condemn anyone.

  18. I'm sure I'll add a second comment after hearing the whole thing but I'm trying to process you grouping together cbd with drugs and alcohol. Wth 😑

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