STOCK Market This Week! WAR or No WAR | Money Mitch Benzinga

Welcome to the 1 Hr STOCKS Special of Money Mitch Drops stock in the chat even penny stocks, crypto, or maybe a blue cap …


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  2. Mitch is the man always bringing Educational Vids to ALL……….just some info for you guys in case you did NOT know and this is a lot of times an indicator of things to come……Dustin one of the co-founders of Facebook, who also is the CEO of Asana just Purchased over $1 Billion worth of stock…….he be puttin in some $ lately…………..

    'Ben Silverman, director of research at InsiderScore, which tracks stock activity from corporate insiders, says it appears to be the Very FIRST Time a Single Insider has bought $1 billion worth of stock in a non-buyout scenario. The firm’s data goes back to 2004.'…..Mitch keep up the good bro & thx for all the vids……

  3. Love this! cause, you are actually pointing people in the right direction. I will advise traders especially newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it because the market has been unstable, forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuation are all speculation and guesses.

  4. THE crypto🚀 market has been favourable in the past weeks, I keep missing out on this opportunity, I'm most certainly very impatient how can I ever make a profit in the crypto market.

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