Joe Biden’s Tweets About Trump’s COVID Travel Ban Prove His Complete Hypocrisy and the Media’s Complete Lack of Honesty

In March 2020 Joe Biden slammed President Trump’s “xenophobic” travel ban from China and then later from Africa and Europe.

Joe Biden and the fake news mainstream media accused Trump of “diminishing the US in the eyes of the world.”

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Joe Biden promised he would “lead with science” and repeatedly pushed that President Trump was a xenophobe for banning travel from COVID hotspots into the country.

On Friday “xenophobe” and “racist” Joe Biden banned travel from the southern Africa continent (from 8 African countries).
The media ignored the hypocrisy.

Oh, and the U.S. southern border is still wide open.

Flashbacks from “haters” Joe and Kamala:

Also, don’t forget this – “Kamala Harris Vows To Rescind Travel Ban, Give Amnesty to Illegals in First 100 Days

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