The Dark Truth of Japan's Paradise Island | Trouble in Paradise

Okinawa is known to many as a postcard perfect paradise. In 2019, before the pandemic stopped travel, the island welcomed 10 …


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  1. These arent real marriages in the true sense of what marriage should be. Immature teens fucking with no thoughts of the future and no real love just lust…then they have kids and with a curse like alcoholism in the mix, no family structure, the boy/father abandons his responsibilities….he himself wasnt taught to be a responsible man….and now the young girl ends up shouldering the financial burden of having the baby. However the state has failed cause if its sucj a big problem and since ot involves fiture generations they should have support centres for mother and child. Since the men choose alcholol over their families someone has to step in and at least play the financial role of a father and that should be the leaders. Or the future there will be all these kids turning to crime and alchoholism etc

  2. The look on her face when she says "It is what it is" was so crushing to see. To be so young and to feel like your life is already in tatters. What a devastating documentary

  3. As an underdevelopment country national, it is always curious to hear about poverty in rich countries. Despite these people have their own share of problems, they never look like poor people as we see in my country. All the best for the Okinawans.

  4. You all can skip all the stupidly boring presentation. The "Dark Truth" they are trying to tell is that, some girls got married early (16 years old) and got divorced a year later so she didn't finish high school. So then can't find a normal job and had to work night life. That's pretty much it.
    And the first half of the vid is just nonsense wtf is that for.
    Have some points and get to the damn points.

  5. I'm Okinawan and this video is very racist towards Okinawans!! The poverty issue is due to Japanese colonialism! Japan forces 70% of their bases onto Okinawans against our will, and these bases occupy land which could be used instead for other industries. Okinawans know the bases hurt Okinawans in many ways – a high incidence of accidents, sexual assaults, environmental degradation. And the amount of money going to Okinawans through jobs has been dropping over the years. Saying that the poverty is due to alcoholism is extremely racist and ignores the underlying issue of Japanese colonialism and US occupation.

    Also, she should not have been talking to Japanese nationalists. They do not represent most Okinawans. This was a very poorly-made and harmful video.

  6. The single mother part hits close to home for me. I know my mom worked hard to make sure I got ahead in life.

    I noticed a lot of single moms when I got to Okinawa and scoped out the dating scene. I had no idea the issue was this serious.

  7. It's a exactly same situation in any poor country. People has no money to go to study and from early years they need to go to work to pay a bills and feed they families… and generation after generation this closed circle is happening over and over. That's why people start drinking alcohol so much and often… to run away from own dead-end reality. When population is non-stop drunk, the moral level dropping down…That's why so many single mothers…

  8. This was an interesting documentary but what was the point of the opening sequence being the bikini clad interviewer getting out of the sea. She's very pretty but I just find it a bit odd.

  9. what bothers me about what vice does with its documentaries is – NO NARRATION. i am busy, i want to LISTEN. some people have poor eyesight and want to listen too. is it so hard to do narration? i mean, you can leave subtitles too, but is it so hard, difficult and costly to do like 5 total minutes of narration in your videos?
    i can't be the only one who wants narration.

  10. the mom keeping her ex away from her kid is horrible. this is not just about the ex, its about the kid who is clearly asking for her dad and wants more love than she is getting. 3 million kids in japan cannot see their father and I deeply believe japan not only needs family court and protection for dads but it also needs child support so lighten the load on single moms.

    Pride can give us defenders like the japanese nationalists, and it can also give us a situation where a huge percentage of kids are weaker and dads are blocked from seeing their own children. regardless of who made what mistake, unless you beat your kids, you should be able to give them hugs and love and i think the vast majority of these japanese parents who lost their kids would pay what they had to do that.

    The path these parents are on, the dad has been depressed for years, the mom is depressed for years, the kid gets a sad broke angry mom, and theyre all broke and sad.. Im sure the dad cheated, partied too much, and didnt give that wife real love.. but that doesent make their pathway forward responsible and intelegent and unfortunateley that is the most common path for these broken marriages.. Japan has so many beautiful things but this one right here is broken as hell and its devastating far more of Japanese society than most realize.. I deeply believe this is the number one reason for suicide in men.

  11. In case you didn't notice Okinawa is still occupied. American troops can commit crimes freely there (rape, murder, theft) without consequence because of diplomatic immunity. It happens and is deplorable.

  12. I think people look at poverty rates on paradise islands with tourist attractions wrong. I think people living in these places have a different outlook on life and their culture and environment gives them more happiness than their income would represent. I loved Okinawa. My wife is Okinawan and we love it so much there. It's not some poverty stricken hell hole. It's a laid back culture with beautiful women and people and beautiful surroundings. The people are happier with less because Okinawa naturally offers more free happiness just due to its geography. Does it have issues? Of course but many places do.

  13. Thank you Vice for the Okinawa episode and this series in general. I’m glad you’re bringing attention to the issues that the people on these islands/getaway destinations face.

    The single mother’s story really touched my heart seeing as my mom was a single mother as well. The way she spoke about how she doesn’t want her daughter to be a secondary figure in her father’s life really shows how much she loves her daughter. I really wish that their conditions get better so that she can spend more time with her daughter 💕

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