"The 5th Circuit, George Bush, and Black Light Highways" ft Rob 5/19/22

It’s a mixed bag sort of a night, and Rob is hanging out in studio. First we have to talk about some fresh news concerning a …


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  1. The global flood created the grand canyon. Basically after the flood there was an ice age and a bunch of water got trapped on north America. The natural dams finally broke and the runoff created the canyon. See what Mt st Helen's did in just a couple days..it's 1/40th the grand canyon and was caused by Basically just one lake.

  2. (11:10)
    The Grand Canyon was carved by the Great Flood (@Quite Frankly). There were and are many floods, however after an ice age around 12,000 years ago, there was a warming, and an asteroidal impact (possibly a broken up comet) that melted unimaginable amounts of ice over N.America. The dumping of this water and then it capture and evaporation caused things like The Great Salt Lake in Utah as well as Archs National Park. Also keep in mind that before all of this (before the ice formed), there was a time when N.America was literally underwater much like the Oceans. Fossils on mountain tops in the Rockies show this. Much Love!

  3. RE: 5th circuit ruling; The most important question is, even if SCOTUS upholds the decision, who is going to enforce it? Do people really expect a dictatorial regime to just say "ah, you got us" and concede? They have the military, the FBI, DOJ, DHS… all of the armed, LE agencies and the firepower to back them up. And we expect them to just disband? Who will make them?

    Hint: not a bunch of all-talk Americans more concerned with sportsball, watching Hannity and shoving McDonald's in their mouth.

    The constitution is just a piece of paper at this point. The hopium suckers out there need to realize that real quick. People have clearly missed the past two years where this admin has said outright they don't care about your rights.

  4. I love you guys and your chit chat my great great grandfather came from Ireland spoke garlick ny couldn't say his name so America gave him his last name by his skill.he was a dike Levee Builder and locks engineer big part of designing and creating of the Erie Canal with this still being used to this day

  5. I was thinking about the formation of the Grand Canyon just a couple of days ago. I looked at google earth photos of it and I have never seen fractal patterns created by running or flowing water, from ice possibly since ice will fractal. I think it looks more like it was formed by electricity, A lightening bolt so large and powerful, it has not been seen by the human eyes of known history. Just a thought, nothing more.

  6. ROb thinks that Burger king is the king of burgers. Rob thinks that Dairy Queen makes the best ice cream. Rob thinks that NY is a country. Rob thinks that Juniors is the only cheesecake on the lanet.

  7. Rob knows as much about KUNG FU as I do about my own foot. I mean he really knows about martial arts. NOT. He only knows how to kick someone's ass. Just not anyone's. But his own.

  8. The BUSH family CARTEL is trying to keep some family member in power to PROTECT their CRIMES AND WEALTH 🤑
    My cousin was “HEAD of ways and means committee” through the 90’s as a TEXAS CONGRESSMAN he was GOOD FAMILY friends with DADDY BUSH and like I said the ONLY issue here was TRUMP needed to come in 2012 and we MIGHT have been able to avoid this TOTAL COLLAPSE 🤑🤑

  9. TRUMP would have had a chance if he came in 2012 ROB !!!!!
    ROB is a LEFTIST and I have known it since I began watching FRANK a couple years ago!!!!
    I know people LUV ROB ! But on THURSDAY nights I mostly don’t pay attention!!! I grew up in Malibu in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and I WELL KNOW THE LEFT !!!!! TRUMP got played by FAUCI & the SCARF LADY!!!!
    I CERTAINLY don’t blame TRUMP!!! IVANKA & JARED were a HUGE MISTAKE!!!!
    We MIGHT have been able to AVOID this COLLAPSE IF Trump came down that escalator in 2012 !!!! I am with FRANK on this and ROB was a YOUNG man in 2000 😒 and I UNDERSTAND that ROB is PISSED as we ALL ARE because he is going to be REALLY affected in this COLLAPSE 🤷‍♀️!!!!!!

  10. It's just like the ATF that one is up there too and the EPA thing reminds me you should sign the RPM act because the EPA is just robbing mechanics shops blind and making it illegal to build a race car if a car has ever had a vin or making diesels more efficient

  11. Rob,
    Your girlfriend, fiance, wife, gets in a accident and she is a now quadriplegic but that chip placed in her brain enables her to walk again. Like Josh from Dirty Truth.

  12. Omg. “This is called Chevron deference…” not that you (should) care, but holy hell this makes me so happy to see non law school initiated people AWARE OF THIS and talking about it!!!! My *ALJ* Administrative Law professor called the Chevron decision the “Chevron Shuffle”. This is exactly the stuff that all Americans should be aware of/educated about because it’s a huge deal, although for obvious reasons I wouldn’t ever trust the current crop of public school teachers to do an adequate job of that. Great discussion of this tonight, gentlemen 🙂🥳🙌

    CIA, EPA, IRS, DHS…also, wtf does “intelligible principle” even mean in 2022???? Also, if Clarence Thomas always voted for overarching government power, then how did the pseudo RvW decision come about?


  14. Great show Frank. Loved You and Rob discussing current topics and theories! KrisAnne calling added to the awesomeness. Oh, Thanx Frank (and Rob). You made my night with the price! 😉

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