Shanny Archive: May 11th 2021 ''RANTING I Got My Period Members Only''

ShannyforChrist #thecultofshannylol #RevelationNews #JasonAvocados *This channel fully runs off of donations, currently.


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  1. She’s gotta be going so crazy that she can’t get online and spew this ridiculous “content” and wow!!! Jason is such a YES/Hype man when it comes to her..if only he woke up and looked around lol

    And thank you Jesus that she never had more kids especially a girl…she’s already a shit parent to her two boys already

  2. She just LOVES to go through the actions of crying. Her face wrinkles up, she starts sniffing more and acts like she thinks she should act when crying. This woman is NOT an actress by ANY stretch or meaning of the word. She thinks this is stream worthy. It's actually toilet worthy. Besides the fact that most times she says it's "performance art" she is TERRIBLE! UGH. As much as I miss her psychosis and terrible acting, THIS is terrible. Get ready to throw rotten tomatoes or eggs.. 🤣

  3. One day our best scientist will finally study this creature who has succumb to BPD, cancer, fibro, covid , menopause , ect and is still living at 600 pounds and wonder why it isn't dead yet?? Maybe it's the combo of drugs and internet addiction that's keeping this creature alive . I feel bad for the host , Jason who sucks itself onto the creature and fuses w it to survive. Kinda like the deep sea angler fish

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