Bohemia Or Bust & Secret Nephilim Cities.

martinliedtke #flatearthbritish Welcome back! Today a special presentation with Martins recent visit to the Czech Republic.


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  1. Lived 3 yrs in Prague. Lots of spooky stuff happened there . High dark n ancient energy. The area angel. Is beautiful women statues adorning doorways. Lots of homelessness in Prague. Lare nite bars 24hrs. Lots of knowledge from the Czech republic. Lots of American experts live in Prague.

  2. on wiki?!!. Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

    The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives.

    They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational and tactical.

    White PSYOP, Gray PSYOP, Black PSYOP.

    In order to create a successful PSYOP the following must be established:

    clearly define the mission so that it aligns with national objectives

    need a PSYOP estimate of the situation

    prepare the plan

    media selection

    product development

    pretesting – determines the probable impact of the PSYOP on the target audience

    production and dissemination of PSYOP material


    posttesting – evaluates audience responses


  3. Always trust your PATH Martin, even when your tossing and turning on a turbulent sea, that trust will navigate you through whatever you are experiencing. And you'll have learned, gained something along the journey.

  4. Hello Martin. My name is Jason (locked up in detention in Sydney) I'm very interested in the 'more land beyond' theory put forward by your self and others in your fascinating documentary – The Next Level – which I watched yesterday. Truly awesome. One of the best. Your input was crucial and pushed the envelope even further. I loved it. I found many answers and naturally developed many more questions. Can you recommend any thing further on this tooic? Anyone? What's beyond the ice wall or what's in the very center at the real north pole? I am utterly fascinated by the 'hidden lands' that we, the exploited have been forbidden to learn more about. We are prisoners. When you think about it the Antarctic treaty that bans any travel Southward beyond a certain point in Antarctic is a law to imprison the whole of us here in the known world. On the globe it forbids travel on the Antarctic continent but on our Real Flat Earth map…. It encapsulates the whole know world. Therefore if there is more land beyond that one treaty ensures we are prisoners of the Masons and will not be able to ever leave. Makes me very angry for my kids and all of us. We deserve to live in reality, our own world – correct friends? Peace and love to all of you out there brothers and sisters. J

  5. Fantastic. Thank you. In Austria and Schwarzwald, a lot of blocks in the forests, near my home too (Baltic sea). The channel Waldgeist exploring many places and Heinrich Kusch is amazing, many tunnels and old archive Skripts with named underground species. In the name of church was all destroyed and covered up.

  6. I believe the letter J or the letter I , would represent Jesus.
    Or indicate the year of the lord.
    Ishua ???
    Biblical for male child…Jesus or Joshua ..yeshua ..
    .Ishua ?
    Greek or Hebrew ?
    I think these coins were the "New Money" .Perhaps most of the ancient coins were smelted down. The offering of coins in the well?
    This would be the old corrupt money, cleansed in Holy water before they were cleansed in the crucible of fire.
    The symbolism of throwing a coin in a wishing well. Is that paying tribute to the Great flood? … perhaps an offering of respect for the great powers of destruction and creation of life…atributed to water?
    The tradition was kept from the old world, but the meaning was lost.
    Money Laundering?
    Literally washing the face of corruption off the old coinage?
    Just theories , questions, and perhaps remote viewing of our past.
    I hear the words and see the images of the mud flood videos.
    Then visions come rushing into my head.
    It is an odd experience for me.
    Was I born in 1964 … or i 964 ?
    Was the great reset when the Earth shifted from Red Skies to Blue?
    The color Blue does not appear in ancient text. (Research the color blue not appearing in history anywhere)
    Because everything was red spectrum Warm. Blue spectrum is cold. The ice age or Dark Age… perhaps caused by global spectrum change from red light to blue light?
    The sky is refered to as Wine colored.
    As far as human strength is concerned, we are primates and should have the strength of gorillas or Giants or Nephelim…yet we do not.
    Did we lose our primal strength when our sky turned blue from red?
    Just a theory…but how did we become weak like Sampson losing his hair? Were we all like Sampson? (Hairy and Stronger ?)
    I enjoyed this video very much Martin..Thank You.
    Martin is a derivative of Mars…the War God.
    Martin is my Middle Name.
    We are not unalike you and I.

  7. I can't believe sheeple people are still watching this horrid creature …. down with the clown … he has the same personality as Jimmy Saville what a creep.

  8. 🙀..An entire forest! inside a 630 foot deep giant sinkhole in China.

    Some of the trees found in the forest were nearly 130! foot tall😳

    The sinkhole contains a load of ancient trees and plants that could well include some species that have never been discovered before.

    Located in Leye County, in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China, the sinkhole was discovered by cave explorers on 6 May, who found three cave entrances inside the 1,004 feet long and 492 feet wide void.

    China can also boast being the home to the largest sinkhole in the world!

    Located in Xiaozhai Tiankeng, the sinkhole there is 2,100 feet deep, 2,000 feet long and 1,760 feet wide and includes a waterfall! within its depths!🙀

    Southern China is home to such vast karst topography, its landscape is prone to dramatic sinkholes and otherworldly caves.

    It's slightly?!! acidic! rainwater that begins the process of dissolving the bedrock in a karst landscape.

    It picks up carbon dioxide as it runs through the soil, which makes it more acidic.

    It then trickles, rushes and flows through cracks in the bedrock, which in turns eventually hollows them out into tunnels and voids.

    In other parts of the world you walk out on the karst and you really don’t notice anything. Sinkholes might be quite subdued, only a meter or two in diameter.

    Cave entrances might be very small, so you have to squeeze your way into them.

  9. Oi, Martin 🙏 gotta a thought that I didn't know where else to leave… So the Urbano Monte showing ice free outer ring (Antarctica) has passes between islands. The "Flood" is recent yeah? So they had a water world situation, an inundation in the crater. I'm thinking they piled the water up and froze it to lower the pond🤔 and then salinated the seas to promote ionic suspension and electrolytic capacity, which is why tides only work on salt water… Also thinking Neuschwabenland is beyond the wall; they ducked out with U-boats under the ice… Space is water and the submarine it's vessel 🧐 sumpin to consider anywho😏

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