Weed for Addiction, PTSD, Sleep, and More?! | Weed QnA with Dr. Hsu

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  1. So I am currently on day 5 of quitting weed after over 20 years of daily smoking. Roughly a half Oz a week. I have also recently been diagnosed as ADHD and I am now medicating.

    I’d love to talk with you! Let’s connect! I’m doing a blog about quitting and seems there are a lot of questions. I’d love to do an interview with you.

  2. Weed helps with my gi issues. I have crohns and it helps regulate my bowel movements. Chronic diarrhea without. It also helps relieve pain from chronic tension from having ptsd and autism. And I like getting high. I have depression and anxiety and when I use weed I find more joy in socialization, music, food, etc and am actually more motivated to engage with life.. I dont care whether you consider my use an addiction, it makes my life better.

  3. Does anyone know if there have been any studies about executive functioning with marijuana, but with the results actually helping people who had issues with it before hand.
    As an individual with ADHD, who is on the spectrum, I failed at relationships, school, work, and genuinely just life before marijuana was legalized in Michigan.
    In the last 2 years since I started smoking I married my beautiful wife, changed my grades around and graduated Uni on the deans list, and now work in the XR space doing 3D work that I love.
    There's no way its just in my head either. The way that I think/process things slows down and let me handle life that I otherwise couldn't actually process. I also never had access to any substances until I graduated highSchool and was in my third year of Uni. Which I suppose is my way of saying "I wasn't addicted as my mind was developing" incase that comes to mind.

    I would love to hear if there are any other odd cases like myself. I definitely am not trying to push the idea that other people will likely have the same results that I did. In fact, I even want to lessen my usage, though I am finding it troubling.

    Plz let me know if anyone has any insight, thanks for taking the time to listen to my thoughts, I appreciate ya letting me spew my words onto the internet!

  4. Medical cannabis has been a very useful tool in not just managing my chronic pain but helping restore mind body connection. I started using it for PTSD (car wreck trauma.) I have found it very easy to abuse but I cant deny the positive behavior outcomes either.

  5. The study that Dr. Hsu talked about IQ lowering with use of cannabis talks about a 2 IQ decline. Even though that's not nothing, it still is less than 8-10 points. The only factor that it accounts for is sex. So I wouldn't be worried too much about this though I do not condone the use of recreational cannabis use until maturity (whatever age that may be).

    Personally, I started smoking at age 18, and have taken a test then and one now, age 23. I came out with 100 IQ both times. I have epilepsy and diabetes, and this is the only substance that I can use without having major health concerns.

    I think weed should be at the level (or a bit above) of alcohol and tobacco in terms of restricting use, given that there is proof of the detrimental effects of marijuana. Also, it would help a lot with dosing.

  6. Should've included the demonetization and ignorance spread by Nixon and Reagan administrations to justify being bigoted over a plant that does less to people than legal drugs and alcohol.

  7. i feel like there is multiple discussions happening here. but im not able to pin them down. like a doctor almost never is going to prescribe you alcohol, but does that mean that you shouldn't take it or that it shouldn't be legal? is it all a probabilistic misunderstanding?

  8. As someone who is a bit older (late 30s) I never even tried it until a few years ago. I've always struggled with anxiety the night before having to go to work/school and also being stuck at work/school. The problem for me was not doing the work, but simply *having to* do it and struggling with being stuck there for 8 hours moreso than actually doing the work. The obligation and time wasted doing something I'm not interested in is the core problem.

    Tried a couple of different anxiety medications and they just turned me into an unmotivated zombie and worsened my performance. Fast forward to weed and it really helped me relax and enjoy work nights without the anxiety revolving around work the next day. This, in turn, helped my anxiety around being at work- likely due to improved sleep the night before and knowing once I got home I could relax and enjoy myself without anxiety of the next day encroaching.

    Have never experienced a bad trip. Never used at work. The only downside IMO is needing to take tolerance breaks every couple of months. This can be a bit of a struggle, but would still paint it in a positive light overall.

  9. 1:22:34, what you are in for is nausea, typically when you eat. Insomnia. Sometimes intense nightmares when you do sleep. Irritability. Low energy. And this is gonna go on for about two weeks. Day 1 ~5 is hardest, then it starts to get easier and by week two, you start to see the light in the tunnel.

  10. I think this is one of the best conversations I have listened to about this topic! Thanks for posting this. I feel much more informed and confident with the science and personal perspective. This allows me to make safer and more contextual decisions for myself and to provide suggestions with side effects when others ask for help or have questions! Good discussion…let continue the conversation.

  11. I appreciate the medical discussion and I'm also frustrated with the legal limits of scientific study that make this discussion feel like it dances around every question. I would have loved to see a third person in a panel like this who is a "well adjusted habitual recreational pot smoker" and maybe even someone who was a previous smoker who stopped for whatever reasons.

  12. I am starting a job where I’m going to be growing weed on the corporate level. I’ve also been a medical patient for years, it’s kind of like I’m taking a class. Thank you for this, I use every day but I’ll have times where I need to take breaks to put up boundaries because I believe it’s so important. I kind of feel like weed being my pain medication is also like Adderall being my ADHD medication; I can’t take it every day. Because if I did it would make it less effective anyways.

  13. Very informative conversation. I want to point out that probably most viewers live in places where recreational cannabis is still illegal and medical subscriptions almost impossible to come by, so hard or passionate emotions with regard to neutral information may also arise because it feels like there is something at stake, i.e. the possibility of legalization and everything that entails. That particular topic is imho already (over)medicalized in the public debate, so this information may be perceived as threatening, while I guess we could have a more relaxed version of this discussion about alcohol.

  14. "I've seen so many people get screwed so hard with marijuana"

    How many people? How did they get screwed? This seems like compelling real information to bring up in this discussion. Oh how I wonder why this wasn't explored more…. o how i wonder.

    If there wasn't a drug crusade fueled by fear and ignorance levied at them through propaganda like this, would they have been so screwed?

  15. people say you don't know what you're talking about because you take cues from the FDA and ignore all positive studies about cannabis. Completely ignoring the fact that the FDA simply denied ALL study into cannabis for decades…..You simply hand wave thousands of years of human experimentation and millions of years of evolving alongside the plant. You parrot old studies that have long since been debunked and repeat the talking points of criminal presidents (Nixon). People are aware of the side effects of the common drugs that shrinks prescribe.

    Doctors got everyone addicted to opium, barbiturates, amphetamines, but when it comes to weed…. hey guys… the data isn't out yet.

    The bias of these clerics is that they can't make money of most of the people smoking weed. For most people, it manages their symptoms completely. They never see these people, so they don't exist. They would much rather them be on gabapentin, xanax, prozac, or some other highly psychoactive drug with dubious studies.

    It would be nice if you guys could come up with some meaningful or compelling reason that relates to most of us…. or you could just keep comparing thc to fentanyl….. as though that has any bearing on a single thing in the physical or mental world.

  16. you have to be functionally idiotic or dishonest to say weed isn't safe when compared to the myriad of drugs that is available.

    if weed isn't safe, literally nothing is safe. it's like saying "you can overdose on water, so water isn't safe". most of these arguments are simply incoherent stacked up with the reality of an open drug crusade against this plant.

    You have to ignore so much of the world, its people and its history to arrive at these conclusions about weed…. while simultaneously prescribing amphetamine analogues to children for hyperactivity, gabapentin and xanax for anxiety and other mood disorders…. SSRIs for "depression".

    There is something dishonest and disgusting about this rhetoric. I think it's that it's been used as justification to murder people for decades over scary plants.

  17. if you combine thc and cbd with other terpenes, you've just recreated cannabis. congrats.

    people have been working on these strains for decades with anecdotal data. There just isn't much of a reason to recreate the wheel through synthetic analogues on this one.

  18. marijuana induced schizophrenia. Ever wonder why we talk about it in ratios and not real numbers? This might affect .32% of the people in this world. No bearing on the rest of us. like the bulk of this discussion.

    some phrenics smoke and it helps them. most choose not to. it's not really a problem that needs solving… most people already know taking psychoactive substances acts on the psyche. I suppose this is a problem for some small percentage of the subset of the .32%, but nothing has been put forward in this discussion to mitigate this problem for them…. other than abstinence….which is already a tool available, so we're back into meaningless discussion for the bulk of us.

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