More Financial Market Pain Ahead Until This Major Blowup Occurs: Kevin O’Leary

“We’re having a garden variety correction,” as the market tries to figure out what comes next, asserts Shark Tank star Kevin …


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  1. Pumping money was checks for families as kiss were out of school and had to be fed and cared for at home. Don't blame the Hill for batland's madness.Kevin is clear and logical yet I'd say that gasoline prices will take some families to the poorhouse. In addition to supply train disruption is a sad excuse for providers hacking up prices, petrol is causing b too much pain.

  2. A consumers are NOT flush with cash. That's why retailers are crapping the bed and NO trumps candidates are NOT winning .. they are losing. That's fact. O'Leary is good at seeing the big picture of the markets but is completely out of touch with main street.

  3. I thought it informative. You must chew up the meat & spit out the bones. He did tell a fat one that vaccines work. He kinda lost me there. He was right about gridlock after the Nov election. I would prefer something like a radical impeachment of Biden & Harris. Play for keeps like the libs do. It would be for the future of our country. Hoping & praying in rural Central Texas. (Got out of Austin)

  4. Nice video stansberry! So happy to announce that I have gained financial freedom by investing in digital currency. Now I know that multi creation of various streams of income is the ideal Principle for financial sustainability.

  5. What I think we may see in the next couple of months is a shift from risk-off stocks to more risk-on stocks (and other asset classes as well), as the market becomes more comfortable with inflation. The flow of liquidity towards risk will most likely result in the removal of money from the "safer" plays in the market, or the "hideaways" (j&j, proctor and gamble for example) and big tech, resulting in big drops from the stocks that have held up well, and rallies in riskier assets as money rushes in.

  6. We should never allow a US manufacturer to operate a factory in a communist country let alone allow a communist country to purchase US treasury bonds.

  7. But…Biden makes NO policy. Susan Rice does, and she couldn’t care any less about our well-being than Putin himself…since she’s not elected and answers to no one.

  8. Of course he say employment is high because nobody wants to go to work . Theres “HIRING “ all over in our area and nobody wants to work even with signing bonus.

  9. Its B OF A with their over giant leveraged naked short on silver !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Come on Kevin O leary you should know that !

  10. < I will always smash the like button on your content! We are in uncharted territory as far as market structure is concerned and very challenging times with the macro environment in particular inflation and the war. Despite this, BTC even still under bearish waves is holding up well. More emphasis should be put into day trading though and thanks to Eriksen Bower skills and signals for helping me earn 8 Btc through his services.

  11. "We're at full employment"…."The vaccines effectiveness at 35%"……repeating "pandemics". LOL! keep trusting those numbers, Kev. The thing that separates the wheat from the chaff in this financial analyst-guru game is knowing the NUTS and BOLTS of HOW these numbers come to be. Blindly trusting the rosy, massaged, and outright manipulated metrics that are used to tabulate the "official" numbers put out by the respective agencies is a fool's errand. 
    Stansberry/Daniela: please don't have him back on, it would be pointless. Talk about "misinformation"…

  12. Kevin O'liree is seeding the market. He told people on YouTube that he took a big position in bit coin just before it, may it crashed. O'liree touts energy because the big money is in energy and he wants to support his position. He didn't tell you that tanker ships are anchored at sea loaded with oil and that not one tanker had off loaded any oil into this country since January 2022. This channel is totally fake news sponsored by Kevin O'liree.

  13. Ha ha… I like the comment about Pfizer…..but I took his seriously until he said about Cripto and the banks. This conversation will be making him cry for years. All of the dodgy coins, which are all of them will fall and end. None of them will work, why….. because we are running out of a stable energy structure around the world so paying other countries with digital coins won't be able to happen if they run out of energy. Or have intermittent energy. There are a lot of countries out there already in this position. Imagine if the USA government paid Sri Lanka with Digital coins. There would be no way to pay it back or proof they even received it if they can't turn on a computer.

  14. Consumers flush with Cash?
    60% couldn't afford a $400 Dollar Emergency before the Pandemic and inflation went to the Moon?
    If He means most Consumers can still scrape together enough for Rice & Beans then maybe He is correct.

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