I Tried CBD Oil And It Didn't Work.

Cannabis has taken the wellness industry by storm. Medical marijuana has been used for thousands of years, but does it really …


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  1. I think it's really important here in the UK to distinguish between over the counter cbd and prescribed medical cannabis. The former is what Dr Karan's slick vid discusses in great detail. Sadly oral cannabinoids have a very low bioavailability (of 100% CBD you take, you only get 6% of it) meaning unless you take it with something fatty like a yoghurt you're not going to get a lot of benefit from the lower strength formulations.

    Some other facts about CBD:
    – Nobody has ever died from cannabis use alone (Street cannabis contains both THC and CBD)
    – CBD alone will NEVER cause psychosis
    – You'll never feel intoxicated by taking CBD alone

    There's a great deal more to MEDICAL cannabis (not over the counter CBD) that Dr Karan hasn't touched on (probably not the scope of his video) – terpene profile, the entourage effect of multiple smaller less well known cannabinoid molecules, as well as how medical cannabis can be used as an opioid substitute in patients with chronic pain.

    My bottom line in this comment – CBD oil ISN'T medical cannabis and it's important to make that distinction.

    Dr Karan your video is so👌I'll even give you a YT follow 😎

  2. Snoop….
    My wife has Dystonia and Anxiety/depression that seems to come hand in hand with conditions like this because of the increasing loss of independence. Do you think this would help..

  3. I was very sceptical, but after suffering over a year with a frozen shoulder after a week of using every night the shoulder was much looser and had much more movement, when the bottle runs out it’s stiffens up again – it’s like magical stuff

  4. I've fallen in love with your videos. I've seen all of them and I could have watched and listened to you all day long. You are very talented Doc! Keep up the good work and God bless you🙏

  5. CBD alone doesn't work for me. It needs the THC balance to be effective and so I do use the herb. I hate the high so I make it into a tea and it works wonders!!

  6. The fact is that no serious study has been able to demonstrate an effect superior to the placebo effect.
    The placebo effect is powerful and is not negligible.
    So there is indeed an effect.
    Unfortunately, in order to show that a "drug" has an effect, its effect must be superior to that of a placebo.
    The CBD for the moment has no more effect.

    The interest of studies is to prove the effects of a product. In order to avoid relying on testimonials whose scientific value is zero.

    For example, I myself have tested the CBD and it had absolutely no effect on anything.
    Can we draw conclusions?
    It is the same principle in the opposite case.
    That's why studies are conducted, to remove bias etc. …

  7. Dr Karan, you did not consider that unregulated oils contain up to 5% THC, and for people predisposed to psychosis such as myself it might make them ill!

  8. I've used CBD vape and it gives me anxiety for about 10 minutes (or longer if I have more) and people look at me like I'm crazy but I had look on Google and I'm not the only one who has this same effect.

  9. cannabis should be legal in the UK 🇬🇧, Its rare I bake it into brownies probably once every 2 years, but it'll solve so many problems, fuel, food, boomers voting out of the EU, just make it legal there's so many jobs that can provide

  10. 3 ruptured discs, nerve damage and serious shoulder issues. Opiot meds just bunged me up and ruined my stomach. CBD is the only thing that actually worked. Decent products are out there.

  11. I only take CBD with traces of THC however I can feel the chemical change through my body as I slowly allow a gummy to dissolve. It helps with my fibromyalia flare ups and I do not need to take big pharma drugs at all any more for fibromyalia anymore.

  12. Remember some CBD is sourced from hemp, which has far fewer cannabinoids in it because it wasn't developed for getting high. That CBD has fewer benefits than CBD sourced from SPECIFICALLY GROWN marijuana plants such as Charlottes Web.

  13. I doubt you’ll see this but my Nan takes really strong CBD drops for her Parkinson’s and it works miracles on her shaky hand and pretty much stops it completely which stops her feeling so anxious about it !

  14. Hearst was the money behind Aslinger. Besides the racism, he wanted to use a different product for paper and rope besides hemp, which was a major crop in the US.

  15. I'm a staunch advocate for CBD as it has made a huge difference to my life, but having said that: when you're saying "it probably isn't going to do you any harm", you should probably warn people of the interactions with prescription medicine. It should be taken at least 2hrs apart from prescribed meds, especially those that warn against consuming grapefruit, because it can have a similar effect on medication toxicity.

  16. it is sad that people idealise suicide. Any altered state of consciousness, pharmaceutical or otherwise can increase arousal and perception, which could lead to problems for people needing mental stability. Back it up with physical activity, diet and limited use.

  17. Only problem is that CBD sold in health stores could be nothing more than modern “Snake Oil”. Secondary problem is if even CBD is tested and actually made into real medicine, pharmaceutical companies will charge big money for them.

  18. Why no mention of the hugely positive effects in reducing seizures in epileptic children? I don't believe it's the cure-all many make it out to be, but look up Charlotte Figi to see how it literally changed her life.

  19. I'm glad you explained the history behind why marijuana became something bad, because nearly every drug that got outlawed had a particular race that was associated with it's use..
    Marijuana should've been legal a long time ago,all the lives it could have saved and all the pain it could've eased,both physical and mental..
    Now we just need employers to get onboard and understand that an employee who tests positive for THC in a drug test,in a state where it's legal, should not be fired..With the way it's metabolized,that person literally could've indulged over a month earlier.. I'm not sure how job protection can be a thing but it needs to be..

  20. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, it’s getting worse each year and have been considering CBD but been sceptical… this video has helped me to remain so. Though other peoples comments and experiences will help a little more

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